U.N. Accuses Both Russia and Ukraine of Potential War Crimes, Summary Execution, Torture of Prisoners of War – IOTW Report

U.N. Accuses Both Russia and Ukraine of Potential War Crimes, Summary Execution, Torture of Prisoners of War


The Russian and Ukrainian armed forces have been accused of torturing and executing prisoners of war over the past year by the United Nations, which said that such actions could amount to war crimes.

report from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) claimed that both Russia and Ukraine have engaged in the summary execution of prisoners of war, which contravenes numerous international human rights laws and treaties on war.

The OHCHR said that they documented cases of summary executions of at least 25 Russian prisoners of war (POWs) under the authority of Ukrainian forces.

“Such cases amount to gross violations of [international human rights law] and serious violations of [international humanitarian law] that may constitute war crimes,” the report said.

The UN body went on to claim to have documented poor treatment of POWs at eight of the 31 transit or permanent camps run by the Ukrainian government, in which they found documented cases of torture and other forms of poor treatment of Russian prisoners, including so-called “welcome beatings” in a prison in Dnipro from March to May 2022. MORE

9 Comments on U.N. Accuses Both Russia and Ukraine of Potential War Crimes, Summary Execution, Torture of Prisoners of War

  1. “Potential War Crimes, Summary Execution, Torture of Prisoners of War”

    …hey, active duty US Military?

    …you might want to consider this as a list of “coming attractions” that the Pedo Administration has in store for YOU…

  2. War is hell, or something.
    Pretty sure the soldiers and citizens all feel pretty much screwed over by the bigwigs, and after 12 months they must want to tear apart anyone from the other side.

  3. About 6 weeks after the conflict started I sent Fur a video of Ukrainian soldiers shooting captured Russian prisoners in the kneecaps. The video captured about 6 such shootings, very graphic and very illegal. The purpose was to let them bleed out slowly and painfully.

    It also showed the Ukrainian soldiers using the prisoner’s cell phones to call home so the mothers could listen to their sons slowly dying in agony.

    I discovered early on that there are no good guys in the war.


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