U.S. ‘absolutely’ could send more troops to Syria to fight ISIS – IOTW Report

U.S. ‘absolutely’ could send more troops to Syria to fight ISIS

WaExaminer: Defense Secretary Ash Carter said the U.S. “absolutely” could send more American troops to war-torn Syria to help in the fight against the Islamic State.


“If we find additional groups that are willing to fight ISIL and are capable and motivated, we’ll do more,” Carter said during aninterview this week aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt in the South China Sea. He was speaking to ABC News’ Bob Woodruff.  MORE

11 Comments on U.S. ‘absolutely’ could send more troops to Syria to fight ISIS

  1. obama’s traitorous strategy:
    Send US Military Warriors to Syria when supporting, financing and arming islamic terrorists just isn’t enough.

    obama continues to betray our interests abroad and nationally.
    obama’s transformation of the US (destruction) continues unabated by Congress or the Pentagon.

  2. I don’t support Obungle Bunnie’s policies, and I know this is not his policy, but letting Russia kick this tar baby is not a bad strategy.
    It worked well for us in the past and would now also.
    There is so much oil that producers are in a race to the bottom to keep competitors out, and oil is all Russia will get for engaging those people.
    We should protect Israel, and help the EU if they change their mind about allowing the invasion, but otherwise we should butt out.
    We have more than enough oil to take care of ourselves for the next 300+ years.

  3. The problem is that ISIS didn’t get enough “abandoned” (left there for them) US war material out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Barry needs to find a way to slip ISIS some more guns and butter. The slaughtered Christians are just a bonus.

    Meanwhile the Yuan has become a world currency.

  4. “We have more than enough oil to take care of ourselves for the next 300+ years.”
    Granted the US Gooberment gets out of the way and allows the oil companies to actually frack and drill for the black gold.

  5. “the U.S. “absolutely” could send more American troops to war-torn Syria to help in the fight against the Islamic State.”

    Under the current mommy-may-I hands-tied-behind-our-back ROEs (Rules of Engagement). . . . no. Just. No. We don’t know who our friends are. We think we know who our enemies are. Too many green-on-blue attacks (and one is too many). No. One of two options – either a Gen Sherman-style “march to the sea” burn it ALL to the ground, OR, get out entirely, all our personnel and equipment, destroy what’s left behind, and stay out. Let the muzzies kill each other.

    We need to aim a few ICBMs at Mecca and Medina, and let the muzzies know that if they attack ONE US citizen, friend, ally, or interest, we launch.

    Hey, I can dream, can’t I?

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