U.S. Accounts for Almost 30% of World Debt – IOTW Report

U.S. Accounts for Almost 30% of World Debt

Let that sink in for a minute. The United States government owes almost 1/3rd of all debt on the planet.

United Nations of Debt

Total World Debt is $59.7 Trillion.

See Enlarged Image Here

At what point does our government stop spending more than it takes in?

10 Comments on U.S. Accounts for Almost 30% of World Debt

  1. This “report” is crap. Saying the U.S. has 1/3 of the “world debt” is crap.

    When you consider that every dollar, either physical or digital, represents about 100 dollars of debt, the “official” debt is small potatoes.

    Let that sink in. All fiat currencies represent debt. ALL OF THEM. And fractional reserve banking multiplies each unit of currency by anywhere from 20 to 200. What govts and central banks call “debt” is inconsequential when compared to monetary structural debt.

  2. We are about a third of the world economy, so were all else equal that would be expected.
    Don’t forget that we hold over $8trillion of foreign debt and our held capitalization in other countries exceeds that by 3-5 times.
    We, unlike China, actually have a positive balance sheet. Most countries do not.

  3. Recently I was watching a mathematician put the debt in laymans terms and instead of thinking about in terms of money to do so in terms of time.

    He did the math. Hence–
    1 million seconds = 11.5 days
    1billion seconds = 31 years, 8 months
    1 trillion seconds = 32,000 years

    Back in 2011 the McKinsey think tank calculated all the wealth in the world and estimated it to be 200 trillion dollars. Our govt says our debt is 18 trillion (which is a lie cause we print and borrow monthly to meet our obligations), but it also does not take into account other unfunded liabilities like social security and Medicare, our actual debt is more like 211 trillion dollars (and growing)

    So essentially 211 trillion seconds is infinity.

    And an economic collapse is certain.

  4. So. If we don’t pay our debtors, what are they gonna do? Reposes us? Seriously? That’ll never happen. When we default, people will see the importance of the 2nd amendment. Our government owes that money, not us low life citizens. Debt is just numbers on paper recognized by eggheads for positioning perceived status in their funny little world. If the world economy collapses, bullets sill work.

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