U.S. Army Cuts High School Diploma Requirement For Its Recent Recruitment Plan – IOTW Report

U.S. Army Cuts High School Diploma Requirement For Its Recent Recruitment Plan

How low the bar ….. the Democrats are destroying EVERY GOOD THING.

31 Comments on U.S. Army Cuts High School Diploma Requirement For Its Recent Recruitment Plan

  1. Why not? The army doesn’t have any technical or complex systems that require any education beyond a basic understanding of pictograms. If you can figure out the sign means don’t stick your hand in the gears then all good. Should make the next crop of mine sweepers and helo pilots super effective. /Sarc

  2. Ok, I’m going to out myself as an illiterate loser who doesn’t have any potential and can’t understand anything and should be illiterate cannon fodder except I’m not fit enough to even be that.

    Because I don’t have a high school diploma.

    Because I’m lacking a gym credit.

    I pause for your laughter.

    …It has to do with me being a dumb, skinny 14 year old who didn’t know shit about anything and a gym coach who was a molester. I’ll leave it at that.

    For obvious reasons I didn’t want to go back to gym, but it wasn’t something I could or even knew how to discuss with my parents, which is very common in these situations. My interests were blooming into working on cars at the time anyway, so after making excuse after excuse and ultimately flunking out of gym of all things, I transferred to the vocational school and never looked back or came back again until years and years later, and even then only as a firefighter/medic when there was an issue at the school.

    But that credit haunted me, and the only things the home school would offer was making up the gym in the gym with the guy. I got bigger and stronger but still no match for this bastard, and I didn’t want to discuss that with anyone anyway, plus which I was going to be a world famous guitarist/mechanic anyway at that point which didn’t require any sort of HS diploma, so I got my Voc Ed certificate and got a job straight out of high school and never got an actual diploma.

    A few years on I decided I wanted to get one, seeing as how that guy was now dead, but that ship had sailed as I had aged out, BUT I could test out and get an official, State approved and administered GED, General EQUIVALENCY diploma. I took the test cold and aced it, and thought this was the end of it. Got a pretty little diploma-looking certificate and everything.

    Until I went to the Air Force and tried to follow in my father’s footsteps. They ran me through the testing, physical, ASVAB, everything, only to tell me that without an actual HS diploma, they would not take me, and my GED wasn’t worth shit to them and never will be.

    I went on to college on it however, kept working as full time car mechanic for decades concurrently, spent 10 years running the streets on life squads and fire apparatus in place of military service where I sometimes literally saved lives, and then on my own hook got into industrial robotics and electrical engineering where I write programs for two multinational businesses and parlayed it into a six figure annual income.

    Not bad for a high school diplomaless reject who kaint sphell.

    …I believe, and have life experience to back it up, that the Air Force lost out on a good recruit because of this piece of paper that, ultimately, said absolutely NOTHING about who I was and what I could do. All it said about me was I was young once, had a very bad experience I could never talk to anyone about, and that I found a very different path where I could be very useful in many different roles despite not having the State officially say I was smaht.

    I bet I’m not alone in this either, especially in a day and age where schools are little more than indoctrination factories that work only to corrupt, subvert, and pervert children before their 18th birthday.

    These days, given what’s on offer at Democrat teacher’s union run racist perverted public institutions, I’d say the high school dropouts are probably the smart ones.

    …but what do I know.

    I’m a High School dropout.

    Feel free to ridicule me as such, but don’t be surprised if I don’t reply, since OBVIOUSLY I’m too illiterate to even be able to read your insults…

  3. This is a move to reinstate the draft. The Dems have been clamoring for the draft since Bubba’s days. Of course, their version of the draft is more universal compulsory national service, with a heavy dose of indoctrination. That, and they need a place for all those Common Core graduates to go, since they can fill no useful purpose in the workforce.

  4. @SNS-the air force likes the smell of their own farts and they are probably the most precious of the branches. It’s one thing to be a pilot, except the vast majority of the wingnuts don’t meet that level. Army would have taken a GED in a heartbeat when I went in, at that time they actually taught you skills so as long as you could follow along it was just fine. Even if your grammar was “how you money make?” Level, they took you. Anyway, how smart was I? Jumped out of planes with explosives in my pack strapped to my knees. Smart.

  5. @Sapper Chris
    JUNE 30, 2022 AT 12:01 PM
    “Why not? The army doesn’t have any technical or complex systems that require any education beyond a basic understanding of pictograms.”

    Nonsense. I have a daughter and son-in-law, both Army officers. He teaches orbital mechanics, and she is assigned to missile and space defense command. Somewhat more sophisticated than “pictograms”.

  6. @Tony R- hence the /Sarc tag. Didn’t realize I needed to spell out sarcasm, but I should remember that army officers usually need an NCO to potty train them for a while before they can be left alone. Had a LT spend almost 3 hours trying to fix the map after he tripped on a grid line and got us lost. Nevermind the grid line was some old half buried commo wire, he dutifully spent time shooting azimuths and aligning that wire like the adorable officer he was. No Sarc tag, he was the smartest dummy I ever met.

  7. This is how they control ignorant young people. Get them while there’s nothing located between their ears. They will turn them into killing machines – that is — you’re going to get killed son. Really, what did we all know at the age of 18?

  8. I see we are following the Roman Empire template, right before it’s demise.
    1). Overstretch and overspend on
    2). Country divided against
    3). Over reliance on “slave”
    (cheap) labor
    4). Recruit military members who
    have no loyalty to the
    nation, and let them weaken
    the institution from the
    Sounds like a plan///

  9. Neighbor kid, with a GED, tried to join Marines. Recruiter said GED was the same as a felony. However, if he finished his Associate’s degree they’d make sure he got in.

  10. I had to instruct a Captain in the AF how to use a handset connected to one of my radios. Press the button to talk, sir. Now let go. Yes sir, you have to press it again. Okay, now you’re holding it upside down.

  11. Carlos the Jackal June 30, 2022 at 3:01 pm

    So a college education is no longer part of the old GI bill?

    Grades K-12 were indoctrinating enough, then 4 years of military vacation to get further brainwashed. Do they really need another 4 years of taxpayer dollars going towards more indoctrination in how to be a good liberal? Maybe call it finishing off school.

  12. Face it we are down to the bottom of the barrel when it comes to recruiting foot soldiers let alone someone with a highly specialized training.


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