U.S. Attorney John Durham’s Russia Probe Expands to Pentagon – IOTW Report

U.S. Attorney John Durham’s Russia Probe Expands to Pentagon

Dan Bongino.com:

U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe into the handling of the Trump-Russia investigation is expanding to the Pentagon office where FBI informant Stefan Halper was contracted, according to a report by Sara Carter.

Durham is questioning personnel at the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment which granted Halper numerous government contracts.

According to Carter, “multiple sources” confirmed that “Durham has spoken extensively with sources working in the Office of Net Assessment, as well as outside contractors, that were paid through Pentagon office.”

A 2018 Bongino.com article explains Halper’s M.O.:

Halper was the FBI’s inside source to infiltrate the Trump campaign. more

21 Comments on U.S. Attorney John Durham’s Russia Probe Expands to Pentagon

  1. Just waiting on Durham to report that the Trump-Russia story was just a perfect storm of mis-communication. There really isn’t anyone to blame, other than the sun, the moon and the planets all lined up to create this unfortunate set of circumstances. Yes, I’m about fed up and disgusted.

  2. Reading the saracarter link reveals that a good
    part of this treason was financed by the shadow
    government with millions in off-the-books tax money.
    Finally getting down to the bones of the op.

  3. Trump needs to fire all the brass that obama commissioned, they are not loyal and they serve at the pleasure of the Commander in Chief, which means he can fire them just, cuz.

  4. We need a Permanent Select Committee of Investigations and Probes. Actually, we could transfer every single asshole elected to office in DC onto this and let them have at it.

    For naught.

    The states should declare the federal government dead and useless. Form another or not.

  5. we financed this BS because we let government get to damn big. And Texn4ever is right, fire all them all. They have proven one thing and one thing only. They are treasonous bastards. In fact, build a gallows in front of the pentagon, post a sign that says hangings begin monday at noon and see which little weasels start squealing first.

  6. “The states should declare the federal government dead and useless.”

    So, an Article V. Convention Of The States – where the States vote to disband Congress, shut down the Federal Government (in several steps), pass a new Constitution, and then resume business according to the new Constitution.

    Of course, during that shutdown, each State has the full right of self-determination and defense according to its own laws.

  7. Jimmy, that’s a fine idea except for the fact we will be relying on our fellow citizens to help write and ratify a new constitution. I don’t think we can do better than what we’ve got, and we can’t seem to endorse this one.

  8. I appreciate your reluctance, joe6pak. But, (a) that’s an old argument, and, (b) we either straighten this mess out or it blows up and sinks into the abyss of history – with us in it.

    Suppose it doesn’t work? Then, there are still 50 states that will make do, somehow. SOME form of Union to protect the rights and survival of people made sense 240+ years ago – and it still makes sense today. It might not happen on the first sitting and great peril attends every step – but what we have now deserves to be destroyed, literally. It’s an abomination against man and God.

  9. Jimmy, I’ve read and appreciated Mark Levine’s book too. It’s great on paper, but I’m afraid we would lose ground overall. If we are going to salvage what has been fought for, for generations I think we have to fight for what we have now instead of hoping for a wave of wisdom suddenly sweeping the country. In my mind it’s what we have to do.

  10. I like your caution, joe6pak. But I continue to bring up this subject everywhere I go because I would like people to begin to think about a structured, rational, relatively safe way to permanently correct our government’s wrongdoings. It’s clearly not going to happen at the ballot box. And a violent “revolution” will pit government guns held by totalitarians against citizens and local law enforcement who finally take sides. I see that situation as even worse than “taking a chance” on restructuring our Constitution to permanently forbid – and thereafter punish – ANY violations of Constitutional Law. *

    Time is also of the essence here as 100+ years of unconstitutional laws, fake money, debt and corruption are going to cause a calamity that will make the Great Depression look like a kindergarten picnic.

    I have in mind a fourth branch (or sub-branch) of our system that decides the Constitutionality of Congressional actions IN SITU, thereafter referring rulings to the U.S. Supreme Court for immediate legal review. The U.S. Supreme Court would be required by Law to report every referred item to the States and justify it. The States – and the people – would have to specifically buy-in to this notion, namely, any action by Congress that is deemed unconstitutional would de facto be held as immediately null and void by the States, i.e. immediately NULLIFIED by the same.

    The States have given up control of THEIR Union! We need it back. And our Constitution – thanks to the wisdom of our founders – provides such a mechanism for us to get it back.

    * Constitutional Law is permanently inviolable and only alterable by the States, not the Courts and certainly not Congress. For this to happen, precise wording is required similar to the Second Amendment’s “shall not be infringed” in critical passages of the Constitution.

  11. “I appreciate your reluctance, joe6pak. But, (a) that’s an old argument, and, (b) we either straighten this mess out or it blows up and sinks into the abyss of history – with us in it.”

    Bull Shit, The Founders were infinitely wise. I don’t need fucking Gavin Useless re interpretation of the Constitution for me. For Christ Sake every College Graduate with a God Damn heart beat thinks Socialism is cool. WTF are you thinking?
    Hell no of the rewrite of the Constitution. We stand our ground here.

  12. Jimmy. In order for an Article V Convention to work now we have to teach a civics class to about 250 million people that don’t even know what a Republic vs Democracy vs Communist State is. We don’t have the collective brain power in this country to organize a fair election anymore.

  13. @Jimmy November 22, 2019 at 6:53 pm

    > So, an Article V. Convention Of The States – where the States vote to disband Congress, shut down the Federal Government (in several steps), pass a new Constitution, and then resume business according to the new Constitution.

    Because, you know… When your crazy current has stolen your ATM card… Raped your kids… Sold your trailer, 42 times… Killed your dog… Pimped your kids… Maxed out 999 credit cards, in your name…

    And you’ve spent all your time asking the neighbors (the ones that “rent” your kids) “Can you believe this?”… You know, something productive, something useful, something that solves the problem… When you gather them all together… By bribing them… And throwing a big soirée… At a hall you’ve rented… With the money you raised by selling plasma, because you won’t part with your blood… Maybe they’ll all agree to run xir out of town. With parting gifts, of course. To ease xir transition. And “encourage” xir cooperation. At your, further, expense, of course. Since just. walking. away. is madness.

    Right TJimmy!?

    P.S. and the rest…

    I know. Your check’s in the mail. Of course you didn’t cum in me. You can absolutely hold my gun, while we talk this over. Please, do put that scorpion in my pants… since it’s “promised” you “It’ll do the ‘right’ thing.”

    I do not doubt, for a nanosecond, that you have talked this up. Every chance you get. Every. Damn. Time.

  14. @Jimmy November 22, 2019 at 6:53 pm

    > So, an Article V. Convention Of The States – where the States vote to disband Congress, shut down the Federal Government (in several steps), pass a new Constitution, and then resume business according to the new Constitution.

    Because, you know… When your crazy current has stolen your ATM card… Raped your kids… Sold your trailer, 42 times… Killed your dog… Pimped your kids… Maxed out 999 credit cards, in your name…

    And you’ve spent all your time asking the neighbors (the ones that “rent” your kids) “Can you believe this?”… You know, something productive, something useful, something that solves the problem… When you gather them all together… By bribing them… And throwing a big soirée… At a hall you’ve rented… With the money you raised by selling plasma, because you won’t part with your blood… Maybe they’ll all agree to run xir out of town. With parting gifts, of course. To ease xir transition. And “encourage” xir cooperation. At your, further, expense, of course. Since just. walking. away. is madness.

    Right TJimmy!?

    P.S. and the rest…

    I know. Your check’s in the mail. Of course you didn’t cum in me. You can absolutely hold my gun, while we talk this over. Please, do put that scorpion in my pants… since it’s “promised” you “It’ll do the ‘right’ thing.”

    I do not doubt, for a nanosecond, that you have talked this up. Every chance you get. Every. Damn. Time.

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