U.S. Coast Guard Rescue of a Best Friend – IOTW Report

U.S. Coast Guard Rescue of a Best Friend

14 Comments on U.S. Coast Guard Rescue of a Best Friend

  1. Doing the job right.

    I was afraid Rusty, the dog, would end up in the freezer. It looked like vertigo but started in the hind legs. I’m no vet. His ears were clear, no stink, but wobbly hind legs. Osculated. Otoscoped. Ok. The wobble left his legs and body and went to his head. Wobbly head. Still looks like vertigo. Well, we went with the standby — oxytetracycline intramuscular. Heavy dose.

    In 2 days he was Rusty again.

    This has nothing to do with the story of the saved doggo.

    Do the best you can and keep the proper gear. And the proper chemicals.

  2. Been there…a few times dogs on thin ice fighting for its life, struggling to escape, freezing, exhausted. Crazy that you can turn your brain off to save a life. Not always happy endings, but automatic got to try cuts in. Great video, great ending.

  3. Good on them for saving a doggo!!

    But EVEN BETTER that they got the best sort of training out of it, real-world practical training, which means they will be EVEN BETTER when a human life is at stake.

    You need to get rescue training any way you can, and believe me, it is NOT money wasted, as the next person who’s life they save with lessons learned will prove.

    Even a scenario with NO life at stake is better than tabletop discussions, like this for example…


    …training is ALWAYS valuable.

    And dog lives matter, too…

  4. My daughter and SIL have an appointment in an hour to put their dog Walter down. Very bad night last night with seizures. It’s time…

    The more I interface with humans, the more I love our mutts.

    Misty in here.

  5. Awwww, Anymouse, so sorry. It’s a horrible thing to have to endure, but we do it for our best friends. I miss every one of my critters that I’ve lost, but putting them down in the midst of their suffering is the most kind thing to do for them.



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