U.S. federal judge declares CDC’s mask mandate for planes and trains unlawful – IOTW Report

U.S. federal judge declares CDC’s mask mandate for planes and trains unlawful

General Dispatch: U.S. federal judge declares CDC’s mask mandate for planes and trains unlawful. While this is obviously fantastic news, it’s great that the judge specifically said that the CDC’s mask mandate was “arbitrary and capricious” because they couldn’t explain the reasons behind imposing it The CDC could not present a justification for masks on planes.
Read the case document HERE

18 Comments on U.S. federal judge declares CDC’s mask mandate for planes and trains unlawful

  1. And now an appeals court judge appointed by GWB or Barry will put s stay on it until it can be heard by the supremes. Expect to be wearing them on mass transport for at least another year

  2. Everything our Communist masters have required for the last 2 years has been “arbitrary and capricious”.

    Dems know.

    Dems don’t care.

    They just do it anyway.

    And will be able to as long as they own all the Government guns.

  3. Wearing a mask on public transportation just means your cough hits the person on either side of you instead of in front.

    Two for the price of one.

    Good job, government.

    Good job.

  4. The law is a cudgel.
    Apparently some “judges” are either coming to their senses or have deduced that they’ll hang just as well as any.
    You don’t expect courage (moral or physical) from bloviating politically-connected shysters – they hide behind their black dresses and their armed guards – so it’s kind of nice to see one show some sense.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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