U.S. Gov’t Should Cut Off Federal Funds to Catholic Charities After Sex Abuse Scandal – IOTW Report

U.S. Gov’t Should Cut Off Federal Funds to Catholic Charities After Sex Abuse Scandal


John Zmirak, senior editor at The Stream, called for the federal government to end contractual relationships with Catholic Church-affiliated nonprofits in response to revelations of senior Catholic officials’ involvement in sexual abuse and related cover-ups.

He offered his remarks in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour.

Mansour began, “We now have absolute proof that former Washington, DC Cardinal Donald Wuerl totally lied about not knowing that his predecessor, Cardinal McCarrick, was a total sexual predator.  We now know for a fact that Cardinal Wuerl lied his behind off, and it’s just appalling and disgusting. He knew exactly what was going on.”

Zmirak replied, “Even worse, Cardinal Wuerl, when he was running the diocese in Pittsburgh, paid hush money for ten years to a priest named George Zirwas who produced sadistic child pornography in the rectories of churches. Roll that around in your head.”

Zmirak continued, “Ten years of hush money keeping [Zirwas] in that little gay brothel he was running in Cuba, and then when he died, Wuerl restored him to the priesthood, and gave him a hero’s funeral, lying to everyone about how he died. He gave him a eulogy that made him sound like a saint.” MORE HERE

12 Comments on U.S. Gov’t Should Cut Off Federal Funds to Catholic Charities After Sex Abuse Scandal

  1. It seems that the Federal government grants tens of millions to Catholic charities each year to help with “immigrant settlement”. The result being that some of our tax money and church donations must be helping muslim “migrants”……….. definitely changed my “giving”!!!

  2. The Catholic church has vast wealth of its own.If they want to fund resettlement themselves they can certainly afford to do it. Cut off the government funding.

  3. The Catholic church has vast wealth of its own. If they want to fund resettlement themselves they can certainly afford to do it. Cut off the government funding.

  4. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? As a Catholic, I want federal government to stop contractural services with the church…that means ALL churches, not just the Catholics.

  5. Rightly so, Tony R. Only the federal government should stop subsidizing ALL religious institutions of all kinds. Interestingly enough, Jewish ones tend to get more “aid” (such as elderly care ones) than do others. Could it be because many money decision makers in Congress and lobbyists are themselves Jewish? Remember when JFK was candidate for President, Americans were concerned that being a Catholic, he would be controlled by the Vatican’s Pope? By the Constitution, no religion/faith can be favored or forced on the People to support. It is the right of the people to reject such enforcement, or to being restricted from religious freedom.

  6. Ditto. Government should not be subsidizing any religious organizations, period. (The excuse is that it’s not for religious but community services. Well if so, then cut the ties to the religious organization. Because what is done for one has to be done for all… scientologists… mormons… muslims… wiccans…)

  7. Until the Church gets off the Federal tit nothing will change within it.
    Catholic schools generally turn out highly educated athiests so what is the point?
    this guy has it spot on

  8. Catholic Charities should not be taking government money; it makes them into social workers and government workers, accountable to politicians and bureaucrats, not servants of the poor, accountable to Christ.
    And, when these ‘charities’ take my confiscated tax dollars, I am relieved of any further obligation to support them with my charitable giving. Yeah, that’s me in the pew, ignoring today’s ‘second collection’ for ‘Catholic’ Charities, like I have been for years before the current scandals.


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