U.S. Intel Officials Warn — China is trying to collect American’s DNA – IOTW Report

U.S. Intel Officials Warn — China is trying to collect American’s DNA

CFP: An offer from the largest biotech company in the world to build and run the coronavirus testing sites in the United States was actually a Chinese scheme to collect Americans’ DNA, according to U.S. intelligence officials.

The covert effort was thwarted thanks to a rare public warning issued by Bill Evanina, the country’s top counterintelligence officer at the time.

“Foreign powers can collect, store and exploit biometric information from COVID tests,” read the statement issued by Evanina. A CBS News report said that the BGI Group made the offer to Washington state, California, New York, and at least two other states. The offer was made as soon as the first major coronavirus outbreak appeared in the U.S.

Evanina, a veteran of the CIA and FBI, told CBS News that he believed the Chinese government was engaged in a concerted effort to collect DNA in order to gain an edge on medical advancements. more

20 Comments on U.S. Intel Officials Warn — China is trying to collect American’s DNA

  1. (1971) The Omega Man (starring Charleton Heston).

    The backstory is a war between Russia and China involving biological warfare that gets out of control and decimates the world’s population. The few who aren’t killed off immediately become psychotic albino cultists, with Heston being an Army researcher who is the only person immune to the disease because of an experimental vaccine.

    Scared yet?

  2. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
    We are the Warriors, trying to get back to Coney…

    Only they will have DNA, facial recognition, cell phone pings, your neighbors turning you in, 5G, Huawei, FBI, Homeland, CIA, your bank, your credit cards, your car will have an embedded mileage & location chip, you will have a vaccine passport, social credit score…
    I could go on but I need a shot of tequila…

  3. If you buy enough “Made in China” junk, they will get to just the right amount of our own money to “Krushev” us.
    Nikita Krushev 1960’s quote at the UN: “We Will Bury You.”

  4. …I would have thought they got all the DNA they needed from Swalwell, although you could make the argument that he’s not particularly “American”, but more of a globalist…

  5. …I keep telling you, the Chinese are the REAL racial supremacists. They ain’t got no use for White people, but they don’t care for any OTHER color, neither.

    …their end game is that we’re ALL gone, but if they can set us against each other while they figure out the best way to use our own genetics against us, so much the better from THEIR point of view.

    …you’ll see…

  6. been saying this since day one

    the chyna virus is a big ole giant dna grab

    the (waaanteepha/blame-liberal-morons) riots all happen to be in “opportunity zones” for a land grab

  7. Then again, it’s the intel community telling us this, so it’s probably complete bullshit and there’s some other game being played here. The only thing which makes this story believable is we have an actual name, and not just “intel community experts say…”

    Having said that, I don’t knowingly hand over my DNA to any corporation. And personally, I believe DNA tests for genealogy are about as accurate and non-political as PCR tests, so whatever China might be doing with the DNA info amounts to GIGO.

    Anyway, still feasting off of the info they got when they hacked the OPM during the Obama regime.


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