U.S. Issues ‘Do Not Travel’ Guidance to 80% of Countries, Cites Controla-Virus – IOTW Report

U.S. Issues ‘Do Not Travel’ Guidance to 80% of Countries, Cites Controla-Virus

But Biden doesn’t care if they barge through our southern border with diseases far more deadlier than Wuhan-Flu.
Are WOKE Airlines distressed, yet?


10 Comments on U.S. Issues ‘Do Not Travel’ Guidance to 80% of Countries, Cites Controla-Virus

  1. Is it just me, or is it odd that the only China destination that is in the advisory is Taiwan?

    And, what does this statement from the story mean? I am unable to parse it: “Reuters reported. Around 34 of the countries already included on the list are Russia, Kenya, Brazil, Haiti and Argentina.” 34 countries are really 5 countries? I have a headache

  2. You can’t lock down a corona virus all you do is stretch out the amount of time it runs its cycle. Last year everyone blamed Trump for higher US deaths while they made other countries look like they were pros at this well it will catch up to everybody sooner or later usually the sooner is better as you just get the herd immunity over with. Fauci and all the other morons actually created more deaths with their stupid scheme.

  3. What about a travel guide to avoid the BLM/ANTIFA/DemoncRAT created cesspools, i.e. Seattle, Portland, NYC, Detroit, St Louis, Wisconsin, San Franshitsco/Oakland, LA, San Diego, and on and on the list goes.


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