U.S. News Ranks Best Nations – IOTW Report

U.S. News Ranks Best Nations

In a new feature by the news service that was forced out of print, usnews.com has ranked 60 countries along 24 categories using 75 dimensions.


I chant in their general direction.

See the quick rundown after the read more–>

Breitbart –

U.S. News has spoken: The best country in the world is — Germany.

Is the United States second? Nope, that’s Canada.

Third? Try again; that’s the United Kingdom.

The United States is ranked fourth, followed by Sweden, Australia, Japan, France, Netherlands, and Denmark.



9 Comments on U.S. News Ranks Best Nations

  1. “Despite being the foremost global power, the U.S. still faces domestic challenges, including racial tensions, income inequality and an increasingly polarized electorate. While national security is a concern, so too, is the debt incurred from wars meant to ensure it. The U.S. leads the developed world in deaths due to firearms. ” They had to put that in there concerning our country. But no mention of all the criminals let go by bleeding-heart judges or the ACLU!

    And when the discussed Canada, nothing about The Meech Lake Accords from 1987! Those where a goody-bag of freebies given to Quebec to keep them in Canada. USNews, suck it!

  2. “The U.S. leads the developed world in deaths due to firearms. ”

    Yep. But if you subtract about 15 counties in Democratic urban areas where Niggers are happily executing each other the numbers come up strangely different. I’m speaking of homicide, not suicide.

    I add my usual disclaimer that Niggers and Black People have nothing in common, and that Niggers Fuck it Up for all black people.

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