U.S. Open – Blimp Catches Fire and Crashes – IOTW Report

U.S. Open – Blimp Catches Fire and Crashes


22 Comments on U.S. Open – Blimp Catches Fire and Crashes

  1. Donnie Russell Crowe and Ricky Dubose are believed to have stolen the blimp early this morning, according to sources familiar with the subject. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!

  2. Thank goodness all are well. The slow decent allowed the pilot to bail out. I was unaware blimp pilots wear parachutes. As a balloon pilot, I never wear a chute nor do my passengers.

  3. Somewhat related – Phil Mickelson forfeited his tee time for the Open to attend his daughter’s high school graduation. As Father’s day approaches, what a great example he set today.

    Thanks Phil, for always being classy in a world of classlessness.

  4. Something about not having a great backup plan keeps me from blimps and balloons, otherwise I’ll fly anytime. Yes helicopters can land safely in the even of an engine out. An onboard fire in anything is one of my bigger fears, but especially something where the entire lift mechanism can go up like cottonwood. No thanks!

  5. Hang On Snoopy…
    Never Say Never Nor Ever

    GolfDigest.com‎ – Oct 20, 2016
    “The MetLife blimps have become a staple of golf broadcasts, but you won’t be seeing “Snoopy One” or “Snoopy Two” in 2017. Or ever again…”

    Snoopy Three

  6. “Thank goodness all are well. The slow decent allowed the pilot to bail out. I was unaware blimp pilots wear parachutes. As a balloon pilot, I never wear a chute nor do my passengers.”

    Ohio Dan – does that mean you have a balloon mortgage on your balloon?

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