U.S. Rejected Ukraine ’04 Election Over Absentee Ballots, Opponent Observer Restrictions, And Wild Turnout Numbers – IOTW Report

U.S. Rejected Ukraine ’04 Election Over Absentee Ballots, Opponent Observer Restrictions, And Wild Turnout Numbers

National Pulse-

A Clinton, Bush, and Obama-era Ambassador rejected the results of 2004’s Ukrainian Presidential election over the same plethora of fraud witnessed in the U.S. elections of 2020. Ambassador John Tefft even went so far as to admit such fraud is “extremely difficult to detect” when the political party organizing the frauds controls the local party apparatus. 

Ambassador John Tefft, then-Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, said on December 7, 2004:

The OSCE/ODIHR’s report said that the election did not meet “a considerable number” of international standards, and that, as in the first round, state executive authorities and the Central Election Commission displayed a lack of will to conduct a genuinely democratic election process. ODIHR assessed the second round “less favorably” than the tainted October 31 first round vote. A U.S.-funded foreign NGO observer mission also described “a coordinated, systematic pattern of major violations leading to an outcome that does not reflect the will of the Ukrainian people.”

He said: “The following are examples of the most egregious, widely observed and reported examples of election-day fraud on November 21,” and listed the following: more here

6 Comments on U.S. Rejected Ukraine ’04 Election Over Absentee Ballots, Opponent Observer Restrictions, And Wild Turnout Numbers

  1. What prompted Attorney General William Barr’s authorization of investigation of vote fraud.
    And what prompted Pilger to “quit” was that AG Barr said to US Attorneys – “If you have substantial allegations of election fraud in your district, you have authority to investigate that.”

    Basically, Barr cut Pilger and Election Crimes Branch out of the picture as “gatekeepers” (Pilger had been requiring field agents to get his approval to investigate, and he never gave his approval) to starting investigations in places like Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Atlanta.

    https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/the_real_story_behind_ag_barr_authorizing_investigations_of_vote_fraud_blows_away_the_msm_narrative.html .


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