“U.S. Should Send Foreign Aid to Detroit” – IOTW Report

“U.S. Should Send Foreign Aid to Detroit”

Said this idiot

19 Comments on “U.S. Should Send Foreign Aid to Detroit”

  1. Maybe we should not spend at all at home. Leave this to Michigan. Michigan, this is your problem. NJ has Camden/Newark. You let Detroit get this bad. You fix it. This is YOUR territory.

  2. Also in NJ Atlantic City/Jersey City/Patterson along with Camden/Newark…Nobody seems to give a crap about those cities. And Rightly so. They are democrat entities that continue to fail in a big way.

  3. Detroit failed because it is and always has been run by unions and democrats. There ya go Ben. You are a stupid liberal. An as so, you say when liberals screw it up, we need more money. Well, FU.

  4. I actually agree with him, up to a point. The government wealth transfer program called foreign aid should be cancelled, as should all federal and state taxtortion programs used to prop up and finance public union-run kleptocratic disaster areas like Detroit.

  5. Once critical mass of welfare kids is achieved, it won’t how poor a shot one is. It will almost be guaranteed to hit a homie. Michigan is getting there with 1/2 of all the births to welfare mothers.

  6. Was Afleck correct? NOPE. But, I do get what I THINK he is trying to express: Why send foreign aid to other countries, particularly those who want to murder US citizens when that money could be spent on US citizens?

    Afleck is going about it the wrong way, but he’s starting to get the idea. Kinda like teaching a toddler…

  7. According to “Celebrity net worth”: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are the 14th richest couple with a combined net worth of $100 million.

    Why don’t you lead the way and cough up some cash Benny old boy?

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