U.S. Soldiers Are Told To Butt Out of Afghan Child Rape Because “This is Their Culture” – IOTW Report

U.S. Soldiers Are Told To Butt Out of Afghan Child Rape Because “This is Their Culture”


NY Times Reports:

In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base.

“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

Adding insult-to-injury, American soldiers who refused to sit by and allow Afghan commanders to continue abusing boys, and girls, as sex slaves are paying a heavy price for doing the right thing.


Le’s be clear. There is no “Afghan” culture that is not Muslim culture.

27 Comments on U.S. Soldiers Are Told To Butt Out of Afghan Child Rape Because “This is Their Culture”

  1. There is much to comment on about this disgusting situation, but I’ll limit it to this:

    The American policy of nonintervention is intended to maintain good relations with the Afghan police and militia units the United States has trained to fight the Taliban.

    It should be the Afghan policy for U.S.-trained police and militia unit personnel not to commit criminal acts of child rape, especially at U.S. bases, in order to maintain good relations with U.S. personnel.

    Plus, wouldn’t a condoning order not to intervene to prevent heinous child sexual abuse be an illegal order? If so, military personnel have a sworn duty to disobey such an order.

  2. OK, gotta make another comment.

    A moral man or woman must not join the U.S. military until commanders who issue such orders are expelled from all branches. If you as a member of the military are put in such a position as Buckley, all of your options will bring terrible consequences.

  3. One of the biggest problems the military has faced across the board is the post-Vietnam era Officer Corps who were all young liberal Junior Officers and peers of John Fing Kerry, and who are now in places of power and responsibility at the Pentagon and in all of the military branch commands.

    This is an institutional problem that has been breeding for years, and waiting for a President like Obammy to come along.

  4. What other rapes are US Soldiers being permitted to ignore? Is there a specific list? Is it formally incorporated into their training? If not, then this new “verbal” order goes against what they have been trained and is considered current policy.

    Nobody believes that a member of any branch of the millitary has ever been trained or told that it is permissible to ignore the rape of any other civilians. Not female, adult, prostitutes or drunks. Not fellow female soldiers by male soldiers. Not even consensual sex is permitted in the presence of another soldier. And it goes on…

    This should be made a presidential debate issue. One smart candidate, since none of these cowards at Fox or cnn ever would, should bring it up and ask each candidate where they stand on this issue. As well as the animal rights abuse by moslime vermin. That would be FUN to watch…

    Anderson Pooper: “We. Cruz, would you like to ask any of your fellow candidates a question? Now’s your chance…”

    “My question is to Yeb, where do you stand on moslime rape and torture of homosexuals, the moslime Afghan soldiers raping little boys and the only ones being charged for it are our US Soldiers trying to stop it, and the abusive inhumane moslime treatment of innocent dogs and innocent pigs? PLEASE ANSWER ALL THREE !

  5. Once again evil wins, and there will be no end of “big picture” rationalizing from the typical, soulless, self-serving, career path cunts who infest the military officer corps, DoD, & State Dept now that we’re in the midst of the Caitlyn Jenner phase of US Military history.

    If this is the “cultural norm”, then why would Afghan mothers be approaching US soldiers to save their sons? I guess once evil become the “norm” we’re suppose to aid and abet it now, huh? Fuck this shit. This country needs a bloody purge at the leadership level so badly, decades overdue.

  6. I agree. There’s no other way to explain it. Across the board now, evil is always winning, innocent people are always getting hurt, and the people in power protect the evildoers and fuck over any decent person trying to stop anything bad.

  7. We need to teach these Homo Retards the Napier Lesson.
    The Viceroy of India heard about the men throwing Mom onto the Husband’s Funeral Pyre to clear the old ladies out of the house.
    He Wrote:
    “Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”

    Hang each and every single one of these bastards. Before they reproduce.

  8. In 2003 George Bush said: “Mission accomplished”
    12 years later the stair-prancing, flexible, ankle-grabbing, Gay-obsessed, arrogant, tone-deaf, phony baloney, plastic banana republic quisling bends over and sez: “Submission accomplished!”

  9. But you are assuming they will see it that way. Sadly, I believe you are wrong about them. You’re forgetting that these are people who are brainwashed into this barbaric satanism from birth.

  10. It is no wonder so many soldiers come home with PTSD and many of those are also suicidal. How could one justify in their mind not taking action against such evil right before them?

    I think it’s also part of the whole 0bama plan to keep the good soldiers from joining up. Last thing 0bama wants in his caliphate is somebody with a conscience.

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