U.S. Stops Sending Bomb Detecting Dogs To Jordan and Egypt – IOTW Report

U.S. Stops Sending Bomb Detecting Dogs To Jordan and Egypt


The U.S. State Department said on Monday it has stopped sending explosive-detecting dogs to Jordan and Egypt over concerns of deaths of deployed dogs from causes like heat stroke and poisoning.

The decision came after the State Department’s Office of Inspector General identified in September the deaths of two dogs sent to Jordan, the largest recipient of the dogs. A second report released last Friday put the total deaths at seven. More

11 Comments on U.S. Stops Sending Bomb Detecting Dogs To Jordan and Egypt

  1. It appears some Obama holdover bureaucrats still in the Pentagon made the stupid decision to leave highly valued canine assets with dog hating Islamic barbarians of the Middle East military. Smart move (sarc). Idiots.

  2. 99th Squad Leader
    DECEMBER 24, 2019 AT 12:26 PM

    “…leave highly valued canine assets…”

    Just tack that on to the millions (billions) of armored tanks, Humvees, ammo, (and I wouldn’t be surprised if firearms were included), that were “gifted” to the Iraq’s and later ISIS, the military were “instructed” to leave behind.

    The waste/fraud committed against American taxpayers, not to mention lives lost, is but another great atrocity sanctioned by our “govt leaders”. Damn them all.

  3. 99th Squad Leader
    DECEMBER 24, 2019 AT 12:26 PM

    Just tack that on to the millions (billions) of armored tanks, Humvees, Ammo, (and I wouldn’t be surprised if firearms were included), that were “gifted” to the Iraqi’s (and Afghan’s) and later ISIS, the military were “instructed” to leave behind.

    The waste/fraud committed against American taxpayers, not to mention lives lost, is but another great atrocity sanctioned by our “govt leaders”. Damn them all.


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