U.S. Supreme Court has given the four states being sued by Texas until 3 p.m. to respond to the election lawsuit. – IOTW Report

U.S. Supreme Court has given the four states being sued by Texas until 3 p.m. to respond to the election lawsuit.


On today’s Jay Sekulow Live, we discussed the breaking news that the Supreme Court ordered the four states named in the suit by Texas – Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan – until 3 p.m. tomorrow to respond to the allegations that they violated the law and the Constitution in how they conducted the election.

They have to respond to the bill of complaint, a motion for preliminary injunction, a temporary restraining order, or alternatively, a stay that has been requested.

We also have heard from other states’ attorneys general as well about their interest in getting involved in this: Missouri, Alabama, and Louisiana. Arkansas has said they will be joining the lawsuit. And there are many other states that have expressed support and are considering how to get involved in this lawsuit.

Last night the Supreme Court of the United States issued this order:

Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm.

My dad, Jay Sekulow, talked about the status of the case: MORE

18 Comments on U.S. Supreme Court has given the four states being sued by Texas until 3 p.m. to respond to the election lawsuit.

  1. Last I saw 18 states, led by kTed Cruz, are against “the steal”.
    But John Roberts has hated Ted at lest 10 years; so this may be a big problem for the case.

    We will have a good idea how this may go tonight.

    God bless Don!

    My President

  2. A response by itself doesn’t mean much other than they recognize the action against them and intend to take legally required actions as it progresses.

    It may include common motions such as a motion to dismiss, that is usually not granted, but that just indicates their adversarial attitude toward the suit and doesn’t mean much on a hurried action.

  3. I don’t know why more states aren’t involved. When a handful of states do massive cheating, it dilutes from the ones sitting out of the lawsuit, too. Even the dem states. It’s like an illegal popular vote. The cheating states decide who the president is by force of fraud votes.

  4. mongo December 10, 2020 at 9:10 am

    The Chinese purchased their stooges and they demand their win!

    All the Chicoms will get is their ass handed to them. Keep the faith folks, we’re going to win and I have said this all along. We can see the shore, our ship is coming home!


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