U.S. Supreme Court rejects Texas challenge to election – IOTW Report

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Texas challenge to election

Update: TX GOP Chairman responds.

Just The News: The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday evening rejected the state of Texas’ challenge to the 2020 election results in four battleground states, extinguishing one of the last remaining hopes for President Trump’s campaign to reverse Joe Biden’s lead in those states.

“The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” the justices ruled. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”

You can read the ruling here. 

Justice Samuel Alito filed a dissenting statement, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas.

“In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction,” Alito wrote. “…I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue.”

Texas GOP responds.
Image via @disclose.tv

74 Comments on U.S. Supreme Court rejects Texas challenge to election

  1. So much for those three new SCOTUS picks particularly ACB since we were led to believe she was the most tried and true. The left hates you, the right hates you but hey you can go to the swanky cocktail parties in DC with the other globalists.

  2. This is the end, beautiful friend
    This is the end, my only friend, the end
    Of our elaborate plans, the end
    Of everything that stands, the end
    No safety or surprise, the end
    I’ll never look into your eyes again

  3. I was listening to an interview today and the crux was SCOTUS (along with other courts) wasn’t going to do anything about this fraud. But Thomas Jefferson also foresaw that we’d end up with a corrupt government and need revolution from time to time to purge ourselves and retain our liberty.
    He said what country ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion. What are a few lives lost over a few centuries to keep liberty. I don’t know if we have it in us after seeing people agree to sit in their homes for a year. That is probably what they are banking on.

  4. I hope they’ll be happy with the 16 new justices the Marxists will add to their ranks. Every segment of their mentally ill devotees will have a seat. Take a look at one of the arrest lineups from Portland and you’ll have an idea of the makeup of the court.

    All appointed for life.

    Constitution? We don’t need no stinkin’ Constitution.

  5. Just like I said, old PMS eyes Barrett was gonna fuck you over, was I right or what?“

    Wrong moron. Every Trump appointment backed the law suit.
    This election can’t stand. Period end of story “

  6. ANON
    I have said many , many times Amy parties with the Bush + Clinton Clans!
    3 times this week I said she, like Barr, had split loyalties. I did not say, as i did 15 years ago, she had a long proven liberal track record as Roberts did when GWB picked him, but I warned she was no conservative.

    I still think she is a squish.

    JOHN ROBERTS is the villain here; as has been the case for 19 years. Which , as I said 15 years ago, is why GWB picked him!

  7. The hour glass is almost empty.

    You failed to invoke the Insurrection Act during the riots, Mr. President. You have but a few days to do it now. And by the way, if Biden is President, the chances of there being a 2024 election for you to revisit are approaching zero. Your call.

  8. I think we’re a Banana Republic. The people have two options, secede or civil war and I’m pretty sure attempting to secede will be civil war, so I guess we have one option.

  9. @ Mohammed’s pink swastika December 11, 2020 at 7:23 pm,

    As Ms. Barnhardt recently pointed out, and I paraphrase, if flyover country were to secede… that leaves the coasts controlled by the xicoms and ruskies leaving the middle fighting two fronts. I know that Chesty stated: “Great. Now we can shoot at those bastards from every direction.” but it is NOT the most advantageous position. I say we kill the bastards!

  10. No matter what becomes of this situation, let us not forget the part the PRESS has played in all of this. We may not be able to control what is happening in our government but we can make the presstitutes and the media pimps pay dearly. We can hound them in public at ALL opportunities. Interrupt them… treat them with the same disrespect and disservice they have treated their Constitutional Privilege. They are the ones that have betrayed WTP by trading that privilege to serve an agenda that is repulsive to the COTUS all for a seat at the table of global dominance.

  11. It must suck to be a Supreme Court Justice right now, with two exceptions.

    As someone here pointed out, what is the SCOTUS for if not to settle disputes between states?

    They didn’t even want to hear the case. They have kicked America to the curb.

  12. Andrew Breitbart is the VERY reason we are here:




    We live in a modern time of traitors, imagine in 1775-1776 and thereafter, AFTER fighting a real kinetic war.

    There IS a war going on right now, in the backround, AIC and IBF, the intel comm we are just not seeing it…


  13. TimBuktu,
    We’re screwed, SCOTUS won’t get involved, DOJ won’t even investigate fraud, they instead go harass whistleblowers. We will never have a fair election again, hell maybe we haven’t in a long time, hence why so many GOP establishment have been silent or attacked speaking out about fraud.

    We are the peasants too damn scared of a virus with over a 99% chance of survival to do anything. I hope the few of us with brains and guts remember those idiots running around in their masks are much to blame for where we find ourselves today.

  14. How about we take the Supreme Court and shove it up their supreme ASS???

    We’d be much better off having a few 5th graders in a tree fort handing out common sense decisions. ‘sides, it’d be cheaper.

  15. Their respective families are much easier targets.

    Can’t watch them all 24/7.

    By the way, where’s Hunter?

    Eject the Washington government out of Texas. Give them a cure period to evacuate. Let the TX Supreme Court rule that they have no standing.

    7 cowards in meemaw’s black nightgowns abdicated their one fucking job – not starting a war between states.

  16. Old Racist White Woman,

    These will be the people who come crying that life is unfair when the shit hits the fan…the ones totally unprepared and begging for food and protection. FUCK THEM ALL!

  17. Well Amy showed her colors along with the other supposed Conservatives, we just have to face the facts that even the Supremes are part of the swamp. I wish you well President Trump, I’m still praying for you and your family. MAGA 🕊️❤️🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  18. Wonder how the dems who ‘voted’ for biden that want their votes back, feel about this.
    If they’re pissed about the hunter biden story being hidden, I hope they’re curious now, too.

  19. 80 million people shouldn’t pay their taxes.

    Yep. The left already classifies you as a criminal just for voting Trump. Stone 2 birds with conviction.

    I’m not paying taxes especially if we’re headed to civil war. It’ll take a couple years anyhow before any formal charges are brought up and if I want to maintain what’s left of my freedoms, if there’s anything left, at such time I will pay the fucking penalty.

  20. Heavenly Father:

    Please protect us in these coming days as evil continues to manifest as truth, and your people are subjected to persecution, hatred, and the minions of Satan. Prepare us for the coming unrest and allow us the peace and love of Your Son Jesus Christ. May your Will continue to be manifest for your peoples.

    Give us strength to protect ourselves and our loved ones, and protect us with Your Heavenly Armor as we seek to share your Word of truth to all. Shine your light on all evil and powers that seek to disrupt your Love for your creation.

    We ask this in Christ’s most Blessed Name. Amen.

    Now lock and load.

  21. We must start to implement a plan quickly to take back our Republic and punish the traitors. We cannot expect to organize via the Social Media scum who will block us. We must figure a way around the medial We must start with a tens of millions march on Washington DC and State capitals and shut them down and put the fear of God in all of the scum sucking republican traitors in office. We must also refuse to obey the Federal Government and stop funding it with our States standing up and refusing the Feds from taking our money. We must also have a long term plan in effect that we must form into militias like our Fathers did during the First American Revolution.

    We cannot permit a takeover by the communists. They will come after each and every one of us on a very personal level.

    God Bless the Revolution and President Trump.

  22. Told ya. The supremely corrupt court was never going to do the right thing. It’s over. I weep for my grands and great grands. To bad Trump couldn’t seem to figure out who to hire and fire.

  23. So, the U.S.A. has been conquered and the second amendment was not one little bit of use.

    Patriots totally crushed and now you’ll be forced to wear masks in your homes and hear stories about the dangerous domestic terrorist patriots, the terrible Covid-19 plague and how Glorious Leader Biden will save you with 25 injections of vaccine per year. The media will also run stories 24/7/365 about the wonders of communism, the NWO and the New United Communist States of America.
    Of course, there’s also the FEMA camps for the troublemakers.

    I wonder how long before they come for us here in the antipodes.
    They’ll already done the trial run in Victoria.

  24. I’m still not convinced Trump is or ever was a patriot;too many odd things like appointing Wray and Barr.
    If I wanted to conquer the U.S.A. I’d make sure I had one of my guys as President.
    Much easier to control every little thing that way.

  25. @Mike_W,
    I don’t really believe that, although I think he made some really horrible decisions, but the thing is it’s only a matter of time before the people start thinking that way.
    I was getting really ticked at Trump with the Covid crap, I didn’t much care for Covid Trump and I still can’t wrap my head around why he never fired Fauci and Birx and even more than that why he allowed that woman to come to our states trying to tell us what to do. The main reason I was pissed though was because I was hearing people say they were staying home. Then he started doing rallies and pre-Covid Trump returned and people started forgiving him and those that didn’t knew they couldn’t allow Commie Harris to be president.

    If he doesn’t do something soon though it really won’t matter what people think of him, we’re all screwed.


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