U.S. WARSHIPS On Red Alert – War Signals Sounding! – IOTW Report

U.S. WARSHIPS On Red Alert – War Signals Sounding!


The Indo-Pacific has been full of activity lately. RIMPAC 22, the largest maritime exercise in the world, is currently underway in the region, with almost 30 nations participating.

Almost simultaneously, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its carrier strike group are conducting operations in the South China Sea. At the core, both events have one recipient in mind: China.

While in the contested region, the USS Ronald Reagan and its accompanying warship are conducting maritime security operations, including maritime strike exercises, tactical training between air and surface units, and flight operations with fixed and rotary-wing aircraft.

“Our presence in the South China Sea demonstrates America’s commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. Every Sailor onboard contributes to this important and enduring mission as we operate in this region, in accordance with international law to ensure that all nations can do the same,” Captain Fred Goldhammer, the commanding officer of USS Ronald Reagan, said in a press release.

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19 Comments on U.S. WARSHIPS On Red Alert – War Signals Sounding!

  1. Oh and by the way, the USS Ronald Reagan is most certainly cruising with more than one accompanying warship. About 90 percent of what you read in the media is inaccurate in one way or the other. Probably more nowadays with all the leftist propaganda and poorly educated journalists.

  2. China is dealing with a lot of problems of its own. Running a dictatorship isn’t easy, particularly with all of the covid shutdowns, and the people there are getting as restless as European farmers. Their economy is struggling at least as much as ours. A war would help distract from the other stuff, and enable stricter controls for a while.

  3. If China, or Russia, or Iran are going to start a war, you can bet it will be sometime in the next 2-1/2 years…before President Trump returns to office. War always comes when we are weakest, and we couldn’t be more vulnerable than we are now.

  4. The Army will miss its annul recruitment goal by a minimum of 25% this year. Simultaneously they Pedo is going to sack 30% of the Army who are not fully vaccinated.

    The military is being systematically purged of religion and religious membership. Only atheists and faggots need apply.

    This is deliberate so will be unable to mobilize to fight China., or Russia for that matter.

    The Pedo is a tratior and all of this is deliberate at the behest of his Chinese masters.

    I suspect war will be how they stop the midterms, it’s tratiorus madness at this point.

  5. Chyna has absolutely ZERO confidence in its ability to fight a war. They’re all mouth. A paper tiger. They still depend on US commerce for the majority of their cash flow. Even though DJT damn near mortally wounded them financially. They’d have to be pretty desperate to try something stupid

  6. Sounds like its time for a monkeypox outbreak on the USS Ronald Reagan to bring the fleet to its knees … again.

    On its knees. There’s gotta be some useful double entendre there.

  7. @brad
    You are correct that Trump had Chyna’s number and was rightfully wounding them financially. That might have been the reason they did something stupid, like unleashing a man made virus upon the world.

  8. “Every Sailor onboard contributes to this important and enduring mission as we operate in this region,…..”

    With the possible exception of an untold number of queers, transgenders, gender challenged and basic human misfits, (collectively known as liberals).

  9. How fuckin stupid are those COMCHINKS??? If they nuke us, they wipe out ALL THE WALMART stores and there’s nobody left to sell their cheap ass shit to!

    It’s simple economics you dumb ass commie MOFO

  10. “Our presence in the South China Sea demonstrates America’s commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific. Every Sailor onboard contributes to this important and enduring mission as we operate in this region, in accordance with international law to ensure that all nations can do the same,” Captain Fred Goldhammer

    All nations? You’re sure about that? Really?

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