UAW Blames Nissan Loss On Indictment Of The “Glamorous” Monica Morgan – IOTW Report

UAW Blames Nissan Loss On Indictment Of The “Glamorous” Monica Morgan

The week before the vote to unionize the Nissan Mississippi plant, federal authorities indicted Monica Morgan, widow of former UAW vice president General Holiefield (who died March 2015).

The high profile photographer is charged with accepting upwards of $1.2 million that was skimmed from a worker training center.

UAW officials say that Nissan used the indictment to “besmirch the entire union based on the conduct of just a small handful of bad actors, and advance their anti-worker agenda.”


Yes, just a small handful of bad actors – who run the UAW.

More on the magnificent Monica Morgan Here

9 Comments on UAW Blames Nissan Loss On Indictment Of The “Glamorous” Monica Morgan

  1. “…The labor group cooperated with investigators and launched its own internal probe to assist them…”

    You mean like the DNC assisted the FBI by investigating its own server? I admire how these lefties go the extra mile to help out a beleaguered, understaffed federal government. True patriots.

  2. Or maybe the auto workers are too smart to get involved with such a treacherous bunch of thieves, crooks, and deceivers. Maybe they think the UAW foolishly wastes hard earned money and makes special deals, under the table, for the fat cats at headquarters. Maybe they’re afraid of the UAW pushing communist causes and candidates while the pension fund is running out.

  3. “…your prayers and they brought me through with God’s direction.”

    Don’t ya just love how these grifters always want you to think they are sooooo religious? Kind of like Bill Clinton in his Whitehouse days walking out of church on sundays with the king-size bible. Or Hillary with her daily affirmations.

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