UAW workers overwhelmingly vote to authorize strikes – IOTW Report

UAW workers overwhelmingly vote to authorize strikes


DETROIT – United Auto Workers members overwhelmingly granted union leaders authorization to call strikes during ongoing contract negotiations with General MotorsFord Motor and Stellantis, if warranted.

The union on Friday said an average of 97% of combined members at the automakers approved the action, however final votes are still being tallied. That’s in line with support during negotiations four years ago, when 96% of workers who voted supported authorization for a strike.

The “strike authorization vote” is part of the union’s constitution and viewed as a procedural step in the negotiations. The voting results are historically high in support of the authorization. The vote does not mean there will or will not be a strike.

“Our goal is not to strike. I want to make that very clear. Our goal is to bargain good agreements for our members,” UAW President Shawn Fain said Friday during a Facebook Live. “But all we’ve tried to do with this is prepare everybody in the event that we have to take action to get a fair and just contract.” more

30 Comments on UAW workers overwhelmingly vote to authorize strikes

  1. Meanwhile, at BMW in South Carolina, Mercedes in Alabama, Nissan in Tennessee and Mississippi, Hyundai in Alabama, Subaru in Indiana, Toyota in Missouri, Indiana, West Virginia, Alabama…


  2. Both Ford and GM are getting a brutal lesson in raw unbridled capitalism, you either innovate and compete, or you perish.

    Both company stocks are at close to 52-week lows (GM even slashed their dividend), and both have come up woefully short in gauging the sentiment of the typical car buyer.

    And now, they have to negotiate from a position of weakness with a union that can’t see the long term, that forcing American production overseas is not in anyone’s interest.

  3. The Unions are beginning to understand that a 90% EV world by 2030 does not include them. In addition robots and AI will supplant expensive unionized labor.

    Once again the 1% of the 1% stab one of their fundamental voting groups in the back.

    Why not? They have been using this rug pulling method for on Blacks for 60 years and those morons still line up for their ass fucking every 4 years.

  4. Build more Electric vehicles that no one is buying.
    Shut down the assembly lines to fight inflation, joblessness and assist Biden’s economic policies to further damage the US.
    UAW (socialists) helping the Socialists of the Biden/Obama corruptocrats.
    FJB, FSocialists, FUAW

  5. MY Uncle Paul was hired by GM to be a strikebreaker when he was 17 during the autoworkers strike against GM in 1934. Paul was a great, big husky Swedish/American kid when he was hired as a goon to bust up the strike at GM. I don’t think that he ever liked unions of any kind. He was an excellent carpenter and woodworker who once was thrown off of a local cable TV access show in Reno, Nevada for dropping an F bomb while being taped in the 1980’s, according to my cousin.

  6. I grew up in Michigan, when America had a car industry. My cousins lived down south and worked for Generous Motors

    Every person in the family had a car and a motorcycle and a boat and a jet ski and skiing equipment and SCUBA gear and played golf, for three and a half years. Then they went on strike and lost it all because they could not make the payments. 6 months on strike eating beans and rice. Strike ends, go back to work, finance the same toys all over again

  7. Can ‘em all. Fuck the United Ass Wipes and their corrupt leaders. Hire new workers. You’ll lose some money in the short term.

    Object Lesson: The Dow Bay City MI strike in the early 70s. They all got fired. No rehires. When the union alluded to sabotage ahead, Dow called their bluff and moved the plant to Texas. Hear about any Dow strikes?

  8. UAW going the route of the Militant UMW. The mines shut down, new non-union mines started up.

    The unemployed miners became NON-Union SCAB workers in other Union jobs, ie., Carpentry, Laborers, equipment operators, etc.

    Both the Mines and non-Union workers benefited, as well as, the communities.

  9. A pox on ALL their houses!

    It would be rich to see Ford, GM, Stellantis (whoever dafuq they are), and the UAW commit seppuku.

    One of the better things that could happen to America.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Union workers suffer under Democrat inflationary policies and vote to strike.

    Union negotiates new contract for higher wages which in turn mean more in dues which ultimately become more donations to the Democrat party.

    Makes perfect sense.

  11. Ya Build SHIT!

    It is a DISGRACE that the mechanics that FIX YOUR SHIT earn less that you RETARDS that could not build the Garbage without heavy automation & Robots.

    Ya SUCK!

  12. ^^^ well the quality has to go somewhere considering that the selling feature of the Big 3 is lower financing & lower price for a slightly larger, thirstier, leakier shitbox. ^^^

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