* Ube Nosuku Oluhle! – IOTW Report

* Ube Nosuku Oluhle!

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

If You Have Any Doubts of the Organized Degrading of Western Civilization…

We Must “Decenter English as the De facto Language of Academia” 

Chinese is the largest spoken language in the world. Simple because of their sphere of influence in Asia, and because there are just more of them. But English has long become the international language of Business and Finance, as well as communication in international air travel.  I’ve been told by people who are well traveled that anywhere you can go in the world regardless of continent, among any sizeable population,  you can find someone to communicate with in English. Not so in Chinese or any other language.

But some in the over educated pointy headed world wide academia believe somehow this is wrong in this day and age. But we all know what is really behind this kind of thinking.  MORE


*** Have a good day in Zulu.

21 Comments on * Ube Nosuku Oluhle!

  1. Their entire existence is just dripping with utter hatred for western civilization. Lets hope carrying around all that contempt has physical side effects as has been reported. I hope it rots them like a cancer.

  2. English is the language of science as well. It is also the Lingua Franca of India, the second largest country by population, with more languages and dialects than China.

    Not going to happen.

  3. Every 2nd- and 3rd- world country teaches English. Because they want to do business with USA. That’s all that matters.

    Shall we change the universal language of flying too? Will your smugness offset all the air disasters?

  4. Yup. Esperanto didn’t go over so well, did it? They’re banking on a new generation who probably never heard of that boondoggle. They just didn’t do it right the last time.

    Not going to happen. Not any time soon.

  5. It has to be about wrecking western civilization and intelligence. Why else would common core be mandated, and now teaching in what would be a second language for the majority is advocated.
    And cursive writing has become a way of encryption.
    I can begin to understand how it is accepted that rich politicians aren’t prosecuted for crimes because it might embarrass them. But I don’t buy it.

  6. Latin was once understood throughout the Western world, due largely to the influence of the Catholic Church. Its influence diminished with the rise of nationalism as the Holy Roman Empire decayed. Remnants survive among the “Romance” languages.

    English is versatile and expressive because of the many root languages it is built upon. Traces of the component languages can still be encountered in Gr. Britain, notably in place-names. English began to flourish as orthography became standardized after about 1700 and continues to evolve.
    Old English and Middle English are nearly incomprehensible today.
    Elizabethan prose can be challenging. Victorian literature reached an elegance that may be difficult to surpass.
    The advent of printing and broadcasting have served to homogenize language, blurring local dialects.
    Ebonics is not a language. It is a speech impediment.
    Hip hop is not music.
    I don’t speak jive.
    I have just enough Spanglish to know when I’m in trouble.

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