WSJ Poll: Americans Losing Faith in College Degrees – IOTW Report

WSJ Poll: Americans Losing Faith in College Degrees


A poll published on Thursday by the Wall Street Journal reveals that Americans are losing faith incollege degrees.

According to the Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, only 49 percent of Americans now believe that a four-year degree will lead to a good job and higher lifetime earnings. An overwhelming 47 percent claimed that they don’t believe a four-year degree will increase job and earnings prospects.

The findings reflect an increase in public skepticism of higher education from just four years ago and highlight a growing divide in opinion falling along gender, educational, regional and partisan lines. They also carry political implications for universities, already under public pressure to rein in their costs and adjust curricula after decades of sharp tuition increases.

Americans are increasingly concerned about the rising costs of an education. Student debt totals have reached $1.3 trillion, and millions have fallen behind on student-loan payments.

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20 Comments on WSJ Poll: Americans Losing Faith in College Degrees

  1. When you get right down to it, ALL education is self-taught. There was a time when “institutions of higher learning” organized and presented the education for greater efficiency but now they have become a hindrance to actually learning anything useful.

    Glad to see people are realizing it.

  2. Part of the problem is the rise in garbage degrees in “gender studies”, or something like it. This kind of crap the left loves, but it shouldnt even receive acccreditation.


    1. They waive requirements for unqualified minorities, then berate professors to give good grades, then have graduation quotas, -cheapening the degree.

    2. You need a Master’s degree just to sweep a floor these days.

    3. Every damn job needs an extra couple of certifications.

    4. THEN when you have everything, the employer says, “Oh, well, we need you to have 2-3 years of experience.” Well, we don’t graduate with experience, we graduate with knowledge. JOBS give us experience.

    Society is SHIT, all the way around.

  4. Don’t have a degree but I have to carry a director that has 2 degrees and is a total dumb shit. Military service did me much better than many people I know and work with.
    Many that have those useless degrees are just that. Useless. When I hire I look for people that are movers and want to get ahead. A degree in some bullshit studies pretty much sums up that persons ambitions. I pass em’ by.

  5. My son who is 35 works for a local company installing fiber optic cable. he has no college degree and makes far more money than most of the clowns graduating from college. Everything he learned, he learned thru good old fashioned hard work and on the job training. He is now the lead foreman after 10 years of hard work and someday will probably own the company. My oldest daughter has her Master’s Degree in Govt. from Regent University in Virginia Beach and is doing well but she’s just another overeducated young mother. There is nothing wrong with either one but a lot of times hard work and good job skills and so called grunt work pays far more handsomely than going to college. Besides he would’ve hated college, dropped out and still ended up doing far better without a college degree because of his work ethic. And he’s conservative to boot, far more than I am because he knows that nobody owes him anything and doesn’t like being told what he can and can’t do by the govt.

  6. Anything liberalism has touched is now the opposite of its intended purpose. Education is brainwashing, law is largely to spread injustice, art is garbage, liberal economics destroys economies, etc. etc. etc. Even the language lexicon of the left is LIES LIES LIES.

  7. late night am radio news last night. . . former (!!!) pResident Shit4Brains walked into a school and told kiddies they should get college degrees. I’m positive his kind of degree would be similar to any degree from Evergreen College. In any case, do the opposite of what he encourages.

  8. As a parent of 2, my grandparents and my wife’s grandparents created 529s for our kids and chipped in a few hundred bucks. All the grandparents are dead now and we’re stuck with multiple 529s. A hassle.

    Better way, if you are a parent, setup your kids with a Roth IRA. You can chip in 5500 bucks a year per kid as long as you make the money to cover it. Earnings are tax free. Withdraws can be made for education. If your kids don’t goto college, you can remain custodian on the account or pass it along, say when the kid is 40, or wants a house and a wedding. Best way to preserve your capital plus make gains tax free. Plus you aren’t stuck with a 529 and a kid who doesn’t want to go to college.

  9. Cannot stand to be around those who’ve graduated from college last 15 years. They are so misinformed, hate this country with a passion, believe in socialism, despise everything conservative/Republican, ridicule religion, have bought into the homo movement, support rioters, buy expensive cars and demand the rest of us take the bus, buy spendy homes in the burbs and demand we live in 4 story walk ups with no parking, support legalization of all drugs, ridicule the military, despise cops, finance, support, and vote for communists, are against the second amendment….

  10. Only people too poor and stupid, don’t have faith in credentialism. Look at the real world: If you can get someone to buy you titles from Stanford, Oxford, and Columbia, you can get a job as a television star, an international charity executive, a commercially published author, or even all three. Just like Chelsea Clinton. Even if you can only get someone to buy you a title in teaching, you can still afford to summer in the Hamptons. Like Summer Kennedy. How do you think middle class people earn their millions?

  11. There are many kids in college today who maintain conservative mindsets, major in such serious subjects in sciences, math, engineering. They study hard, work in internships or research for experience. My daughter is one of these. While she was living at home, required reading including books in investing, savings, budgeting and Hillsdale figured in. She is in her Junior year, majoring in BioChemistry with plans to attend graduate school since that is required for a career in this field. With a minor in technical writing and excellent verbal skills, she isn’t too concerned about competition from overseas students.

    She isn’t a complete nerd. Lord knows what she’s up to on the weekend and I don’t dare tell her of my college activities. But, she is one of many in her group who are serious about their studies and their careers. They expect to start on the bottom rungs, but have developed the skills and drive to excel in the real world.

  12. Thr amount of money taxpayers now invest in the education system at all levels now rivals the outlay of most countries entire budgets and is on a fast track to emulate the Titanic’s last course!

  13. The students in the studies that actually lead to a productive life do not have time for stupid shit like social justice.
    It exemplifies what G. Gordon Liddy said one time:
    College is for two things, to either teach you a skill to do a job you want, or to teach you how to think about the world.
    So essentially there are two campuses.
    One for people who want to move ahead in the world (Math, chemistry, engineering (chemical, electrical, structural, material, civil), all the sciences.
    The other for those who want to do bong loads and visually explore their own navels, and be agreed with by their peers, and speak truth to power, and sock it to the man and down with the Fuzz, and Right On!

  14. There are all kinds of articles about which degrees provide better opportunities to make the most money.
    Before I started my college education I did my research and determined which is the best paying degree that best fits my skill set. Then I worked my ass off, staying up night after night studying in order to get good grades, and earned a degree.
    In my opinion, it was all worth it. But I did not enter a low paying field.
    In my research, I do not remember art, gender studies, social welfare, or journalism, or pretty much any other liberal art degree being at the top of the pay scale. Those degrees take as much work and money to earn, but the monetary payoff opportunities are just not as good as for the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) degrees.

  15. You Have To Question The Values – Intellect and Ultimate Direction of The Proffesor’s ( Teacher’s on Ego ) The Administration and Other Student’s Before Sending Your Child There ! Something Will Give !!!

  16. “He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas.” – Poor Richard
    What goes around, comes around.
    For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 3rd Law of motion
    Even physics laws are being ignored by these ‘colleges’.

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