Students demand colleges ‘pay us back’ amid coronavirus closures – IOTW Report

Students demand colleges ‘pay us back’ amid coronavirus closures

Campus Reform:

Students at one New York university have gathered to demand that their school close campus and give them their money back. 

After an increasing number of universities nationwide have closed their doors and extended their spring breaks amid coronavirus concerns, students at Stony Brook University have begun to protest and demand refunds from the school’s administration. 

While Stony Brook has moved to online courses, students have not yet been dismissed from campuses.

On Wednesday, students took to a Reddit forum to discuss protesting. Students suggested gathering by the circle to protest any administration, faculty or personnel that would appear.  read more

16 Comments on Students demand colleges ‘pay us back’ amid coronavirus closures

  1. What will be the result of this ‘pandemic’?

    My prediction:
    There will be far, far fewer deaths than any of these experts predicted, by large orders of magnitude. And, most importantly, all the corporations and hedge funds and specs will be completely bailed out of their overleveraged positions. And gov’t will be hugely bigger.

    Iow, virus will have proved to be a cover to throw money out all the power players and bail them out of the overleveraged positions they’ve gotten themselves into courtesy of the federal reserve.

  2. I wonder if businesses closed by government decree are going to get a moratorium on paying taxes. How about the employees of those business who can’t work because their places of employment are closed?

    I don’t supposes it is THAT much of an emergency.

  3. It is a legitimate concern. If the university can’t deliver on the service, the students shouldn’t have to pay. Then there is the matter of rent. Many of the students don’t need their apartments or dorm rooms. That’s an expense also hanging around their necks.

  4. Gee Wally, if they protested with juuuust a little honesty most of ’em would have to demand to get Daddy’s dime back!

    No kidding Beave and guess whut?
    If they ever go it back all the disingenuous little Bernie backers wouldn’t even tell dad!

  5. Do we get a taxpayer refund on all the state tax dollars we put our individual public university systems, including the massive amounts of federal tax dollars?

  6. Sorry, kids, no can do. Coronavirus was caused by an act of God the CIA people eating bats in China the Chinese Communist Party the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Deplorables PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP!!!111!!!

  7. what, exactly, are they whining about? they’re physically at school, they’re taking their courses, no one is forcing them to stay.
    or do they insist that they determine the means of curricula?

    … go home & whine to your parents about ‘it’s not fun anymore at school’

  8. Give them their money back? You mean the govt funded loans they took out and under decree by Bernie, demand they be forgiven and all of us pay for?

    I. Don’t. Think. So.

  9. I’ve been reading lots of comments on blogs and FB. I see a lot of Trump voters criticizing anyone who says this is a bunch of bs and telling them it’s just minor inconvenience to stay home for a few weeks.
    I finally confronted some of them and asked how they made a living, every single one of them were either retired receiving a pension and/or social security, disabled receiving a disability check, or a public employee.

    So yeah real easy to say it’s a minor inconvenience when you know you have the same amount of money coming in every month or twice a month. Tell that to the people who are being sent home for 2 or 3 weeks and won’t be receiving a weekly paycheck. Tell that to small business owners and I’m not talking just about restaurant and bar owners, whose businesses are suffering.
    Their answer is the government is going to take care of them, well who is the government going to take care of, what hoops are going to have to be jumped through, what criteria are they going to use, when are they going to help them? From a conservative point of view, just where is all this money going to come from, more fake money?

    These people can’t tell the mortgage company, the government is going to help me or the bank for their car loan or WalMart to just give them food until the government takes care of them.

    So forgive me if I’m not overly concerned with college kids right now who are still getting an education, just not the one they’re accustomed to. It might actually do them some good to be away from all the leftist professors and like minded leftist peers.

    I was talking to my mechanic today and he like every other person I talk to wants to know about the fire behind this smoke screen. He’s a one man business and he says due to the panic, he’s almost dead in the water, went from an average day of having to tell people he was 2 weeks out to one or two a day now coming in. Right now he’s okay because he’s catching up, but he said how many are going to be able to pay me if they can’t work? That if this continues or the government comes in and orders him to close his business like they’re doing to some of these businesses for 2 to 3 weeks, he won’t recover. Then because he doesn’t have employees, he doubts very seriously the government will be helping his small business.
    I went into a little market store today where they sell homemade goods, she told me I was the first to walk through the door. That she’s going to have to close if this keeps up because she’s not even going to make enough to pay the utilities. Another one of those who has no employees, just her who runs it.

    Hell, even the damn vet office is dead in the water and sending vets home without pay.

    I’m all for pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and businesses failing because they just fail, but not businesses failing because of government overreach or media/government designed hysteria.

    Another bitch of mine today, went to the tag office and could we please ease up on the cloud of disinfectant, some of us have allergies and odor/chemical induced migraines. Just about knocked me out, couldn’t breathe and now I have a migraine. Dumb little girl running around spraying that shit on all the chairs, counter, even the damn coffee pot and water dispenser.

    Okay bitchfest over, time to go look for the humor in all of this.

  10. I just got home 1 hour age from Queens University in Kingston Ontario. (named after the British Queen not buggery)

    There are many US Students.

    They have already promised to refund $+1,000 and & $700 towards next semester. I believe that it is fair & reasonable.


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