UCLA vs The Superbug – IOTW Report

UCLA vs The Superbug

LarryElder– Doctors at UCLA’s flagship hospital were baffled: A healthy 40-year-old woman had fallen deathly ill after a routine procedure.

rubin super bug

A long black scope had been threaded down her throat to treat troublesome gallstones. Now antibiotics were powerless to stop a raging infection.
Her physicians called in Dr. Zachary Rubin, the hospital’s director of clinical epidemiology and infection prevention, and its top disease detective.

He immediately suspected the scope itself — a dirty one could cause this kind of infection.  more

6 Comments on UCLA vs The Superbug

  1. The LA Times story mentioned that the scope’s manufacturer, Olympus, issued warning in Europe that prescribed cleaning methods might be insufficient, because the design of the tip – the part that extends and retracts – might trap and exclude bacteria.

    So, if you are selling in the US and Europe, why not issue the warnings to all parties?

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