Ugh – Ken Burns To Do Country Music Documentary – IOTW Report

Ugh – Ken Burns To Do Country Music Documentary

I can’t wait to (not) see how he worms in racism, discrimination, misogyny, toxic masculinity, religious zealotry, substance abuse and general indictments of the southern culture into his latest social justice tome.

I’d rather watch something like this–>

I’m not even that much of a country music fan, but I’m a fan of talent, and this video is loaded with it.

Question: when is he going to do a documentary on the history of stupid haircuts?

ht/ jd hasty



22 Comments on Ugh – Ken Burns To Do Country Music Documentary

  1. The incessant virtue signaling in his latter work gets rather tedious. Much of his earlier work can only be described as a masterpiece. If he were to return to focusing on the subject matter it would be looked forward to.

  2. Really liked his Civil War work. Using the late (and great) historian Shelby Foote in his narration along with reading correspondence from both Union and Confederate soldiers was brilliant.

    Unfortunately he fell, his his noggin, and is now a raving moon bat

  3. I looked forward to going over to my mother’s house and watching his series on the Vietnam War… I gave up somewhere near the first third of the second episode. It was that over the top.

  4. Skaggs has kept the tradition alive, old time mountain music.
    He has done a couple of follow ups to one of the greatest albums ever recorded….”Will the Circle be Unbroken”.
    As far as burns….according to his Appalachia doc, there should be no trees or plant life in the mountains that are my stomping grounds. If you’ve ever been through the southwestern highlands of Virginia, you know how full-O-shit that douche is.

  5. I would like to see him go down to Compton and do an expose about all the rappers that went legit who used to sling crack on the street corners – that would be interesting.

  6. @nunya Ken Burns is teaching film for Master Class-an online learning site- where you can learn movie directing from Ron Howard, cooking from Gordon Ramsey etc…when I saw his photo I thought he had a sex change. He looks verrrrry strange. One of his assistants needs to tell him a man of his age needs a wig with a bit of gray as to not look like a total freak to the outside world.


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