Ugly Truths Not Debated – IOTW Report

Ugly Truths Not Debated

The American Spectator

Donald Trump is not the Republican front runner. He’s the presumptive nominee. Further, he’s the most popular politician in America. Trump created a coalition that made the Rust Belt winnable. He turned Ohio, Florida, and Iowa reliably red. He made Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin gettable. In Florida, he out-won Ron DeSantis by 1 million votes.

Why the all-out assault on Donald Trump? Because in a fair system, he wins — and he wins bigly.

The assault on Trump and anyone who supported him is an attack on the only one standing in the way of generations of Democrat power, and the Republicans are pretending that America and the Republican Party can return to a Bush-era neocon Republicanism that simply doesn’t exist anymore outside the beltway. More

91 Comments on Ugly Truths Not Debated

  1. “The assault on Trump and anyone who supported him is an attack on the only one standing in the way of generations of Democrat power,”…..important statement……

    Out of my 66 years of being alive I have lived under 36 years of Republican Presidents and 30 years of democrat presidents….12 years of the Bushes probably makes it more negative in general…..democrats simply suck the life force out of America…

    This is the most crucial election in my lifetime (the others won’t matter) anyone but Trump simply won’t deliver or can’t deliver….Trump has his work cut out for him, yet I see him as being tanned, rested and angry….

  2. Much like in 2016, his support is because of the hatred of GOP hierarchy, the two-party sham, and the Federal government. Norhing has changed. If anything, things are far worse than in 2016, and the cornered rat is now getting desperate. For some reason, he is seen as the “solution,” regardless of how misplaced that sentiment might be.

  3. The writer is wrong. It’s not about the usual frat boys competition for the sake of winning for all time. Or of one school’s football team against another – rah rah sisssss boom bah! – win another one for the Gipper!

    No, it’s about world-wide, corporate / government elite control of people by controlling their money, their behavior and their culture. It’s about ending the U.S. Constitution as the only governmental system in the history of the Earth that created a moral, free, political AND economic playing field for all people under the rule of Republican LAW.

    Trump is a threat to them because he believes and fights for OUR exclusively American system that prohibits such a takeover.

  4. Bwahahaha! DOH! Narrative BUSTED!
    Brad’s link from above fairs to mention the details:

    “LOL…I guess it’s a more eye-catching headline than ‘Unauthorized DeSantis ScamPAC that paid its founder 75% of the $1,621 it raised folds, will now support Trump with the $57 dollars it has left'”


    If you have to lie, obfuscate, prevaricate and hide facts it means you are one frightened rabbit!

  5. Fake PAC, fake story. Debunked.
    As of the most recent report (2023 mid year) this ScamPAC – that was never associated with DeSantis in any way – has a grand total of…. ZERO dollars on-hand. I don’t think that’s going to make much of a dent.

    Brad, do yourself a favor, get a better source than Laura Loomer…
    Thanks for the laugh!

  6. I hope that’s the case TRF, you can’t take those organs with you.

    BTW, what’s the matter, you don’t like facts with receipts attached?
    Too inconvenient for your narrative?
    You are more than welcome to believe Brad, the earth is flat, we never landed on the moon, WTC-7, etc.
    That is the beauty of this country and God Bless iotw!

  7. Facts from AG:

    “You will be shocked to learn that this is completely bogus and the usual suspects fell for it. The guy behind this PAC is a scam artist that never got anywhere near DeSantis.

    He claimed he had a secret $50M in commitments, but actually raised $291.01 this year.”

    Like I said, these lies you post don’t further your cause.
    Don’t be a Laura Loomer, you will eventually become an Ann Coulter…

  8. Everything I’ve linked here is a reputable source. And on top of that they list their sources. Loco, what’s your beef jerky? Like I say, I’m not the one you’re really fighting with.

  9. Even community noted on Twitter:
    “The PAC referenced is not affiliated with the DeSantis campaign. The PAC was launched months before DeSantis announced his Presidential candidacy, and has been disavowed by his team.”

    If it walks like a duck but is used to lie about DeSantis it’s not a duck, it’s a dick…

  10. From the article

    “According to the DailyMail, Thomas and his donor network are now considering throwing their support behind former President Donald Trump. Thomas was an early supporter of Trump and had founded ‘Ron to the Rescue’ after Republicans’ lackluster performance in the 2022 midterms.”

    Does Loomer, who I think has done some good work by the way, work for the Dailymail?

    You’re talking about a different Pac.

  11. Nope, that’s the exact PAC.

    Folks are so thirsty to defame a Governor that is busy kicking ass and storms in Florida that they fall for scammers and bullshit artists.

    I expect any reputable media outlet to issue a correction.
    The others will shamelessly just move on, not acknowledging they had been had.

  12. LOL. I just posted that because it didn’t seem Loco had quite hit maximum RPM yet. Pretty sure he’s dialing the phone number of the Florida Capital just to make sure RDS wasn’t scratched.

  13. Yep Brad, an old tree falls during a Cat 3 storm and doesn’t hurt anyone is definitely a sign from *your* god…

    BTW, DeSantis wasn’t in the governors mansion at the time.
    He was very busy at the storm command center and giving updates to the citizens of Florida.
    You know, GOVERNING?

  14. ^^^^^^^^Dude, you gotta pump the brakes. You’re twice as bad this time as you were with Teddy Cruz. I wouldn’t miss the next go around just so I can find out who you adopt.

  15. *Sigh* The infighting amuses me. However, it is also quite informative. It seems everybody wants the same thing, and that is the knockout punch, to borrow from the boxing parlance. The problem lies in how to deliver said punch. I prefer prepping for a long fight rather than hoping for a short one. Assuming a win for our side, I do think Trump needs to be able to go in and deliver as much devastation as possible. After that, a primed and battle tested successor needs to be ready to take the helm with no hesitation. Does RDS have that potential? On the state level, which is really important in the realm of a republic, I think he does. However, I think a little more work is needed on a national level. A littlemore sparring, if you will.

  16. JB_Honeydew
    “I do think Trump needs to be able to go in and deliver as much devastation as possible”

    That’s true. But the important thing in any battle is identifying your enemy. I believe our enemy is primarily unelected Gov Bureaucrats that have decided they’ve taken over and we will live by their rules. So how do you combat that quickly? De fund it? IDK. Our Federal Government is the largest employer in the world. By far. By like a factor of 1.5. If you are successful in cutting that many throats what’s it going to do to the economy. Lots to consider.

  17. @Brad

    I’ve had those exact same thoughts myself, but you don’t fight cancer by cutting some of it away….you get it all and hope for the best. To do it right, innocents will suffer….that’s just how it goes. The unperverted idea of this country is what needs to carry on. And that’s just how it is, but I’m just some dude….what do I know?

  18. Loco, what are you going do when DeSantis finally pulls the plug on his campaign? I hope you raised your hand during the debate to support the nominee just like DeSantis finally did.

  19. Dr. Tar, I have voted for Trump twice and will again if he is the nominee.
    I’ve said that on this site at least 20 times.
    DeSantis shouldn’t drop out until Trump wins the nominations via republican’s voting in the Primary election.
    Why would he?
    He is the insurance policy and I think him being in the race actually helps Trump.
    BTW, we don’t coronate people in the USA.

  20. Governor Shcnicklegrubber is gonna’ win. Up 7000% in the polls, 8 trillion in backing, the most popular and effective governor evah.

    Screw that Trump guy, he’ll never get more than 12 votes.

  21. Thanks to the republican establishment’s cowardice in the face of the enemy these last twenty five years we can’t believe in ANYONE who’s spent time on the inside in politics. We suffer PTSD continually kind of like swampy McConnell suffers system lockups from time to time. Feinstein Fetterman 2024! No sexism there, I put the demented dame ahead of the catastrophically brain damaged gent on the ticket!

  22. JB_Honeydew

    LOL. They killed my cancer by trying to kill me. Well that and radiation. I was thinking about this on the way home and was thinking the best way to approach this might be to defund the FBI,CIA,DOJ and NSA first. Taking the teeth from the tiger so to speak. And while you’re rebuilding just one of those agencies to replace the four you axed you can slowly go to work. Ending with the post office.

  23. “The best trolls have screen names and small pictures of gay dogs as their avatar.”

    Hmm, maybe gay Indians. Ya know what you call a gay Indian? A Brave Fucker. Get it? A Brave Fucker. I’m here all week folks.

  24. Damn….another thread where it goes off track…the fug was I gonna’ say…

    Skip it. I see we’ve moved on to bad jokes. O.K. here’s one I heard at the deli counter today.

    “What do you call a pig who knows judo?”
    “Pork chop.”

  25. JB, back around 2007, Cabo Wabo Reposado was the best tequila on the market.
    Blue bottle.
    Sammy was an owner and it was my go-to drink.
    Alas, like ALL tequila, the quality goes up and down.
    I think he sold his shares at just the right time and made a small fortune.

  26. I believe Sammy was one of the first celebrities to endorse tequila.
    Now everybody does it.
    Mark Wahlberg endorses Flecha Azul, which is actually very good.

    Clooney endorses Casamigos. It was good three-four years ago but now is rather pedestrian.
    10 years for the Agave plant to mature makes tequila quite hard to grow, harvest, & craft properly.

  27. In honor of my dad…Three moles are travelling in their tunnel underneath a garden. The fist one stops, sniffs and says, “I smell carrots”.

    The continue on, and the second one stips, sniffs and says, “I smell radishes”.

    The continue on and the third mole stops, sniffs and says, “I smell mole asses”.

  28. The nuculur option.

    1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent.

    2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, “I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.”

    3. Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted.

    4. A dyslexic man walks into a bra.

    5. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm and says: “A beer please, and one for the road.

    6. Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: “Does this taste funny to you?”

    7. “Doc, I can’t stop singing ‘The Green, Green Grass of Home.'” “That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome.” “Is it common?” “Well, It’s Not Unusual.”

    8. Two cows are standing next to each other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, “I was artificially inseminated this morning.” “I don’t believe you,” says Dolly. “It’s true, no bull!” exclaims Daisy.

    9. An invisible man marries an invisible woman. The kids were nothing to look at either.

    10. Deja Moo: The feeling that you’ve heard this bull before.

  29. A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “Hey, I make a drink named after you”.

    The grasshopper says, “Really? You got a drink named Kevin?”

  30. Ok…two more and I might have to go stand in the corner.

    1.What’s the difference between a fag and a freezer?
    Freezers don’t fart when you pull the meat out.

    2. What’s the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
    Pizzas don’t scream when thrown into an oven.

  31. “It worked. Loco shut up.”

    There was a moment it seemed to work. Say? Did your house ever get hit by lightning, caused a kitchen fir, almost licked your wife and your ’67 Vette and you were out of your house for 7 weeks while you stayed in your vacation home? Nope?

    Certain types of people just don’t know when to shut up.

  32. The process is the punishment.

    He may well prevail in the SC. They may even strike down the law.

    Meanwhile, he languishes in prison, has no income, loses his job, loses his house, his mother – who he apparently already had saftey concerns for – is unprotected and probably put on the streets herself, gets indebted to lawyers, and is looking at 5 years.

    It will take more time than that to even get to appelate court.

    …meanwhile, he won’t be getting the best of lawyers. Unless some gun rights organization takes an interest, he’ll get pro bono “plead and leave” lawyers. How enthusiastic are they going to be to take an unpaid, nobody, low-profile case that the media will DEFINITELY bury all the way to the Supreme Court?

    …That is the essesnce of lawfare.

    Its not that you won’t win,

    It’s just that you can’t afford to fight.

    And they, with their taxpayer funded TEAMS of lawyers, KNOW that…


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