uh oh- CWBChicago is Reporting Smollett Connected To Terrorist Letter Sent to Empire Offices – IOTW Report

uh oh- CWBChicago is Reporting Smollett Connected To Terrorist Letter Sent to Empire Offices

CWBchicago (who have been balls on accurate so far) is reporting that Postal Inspectors have connected the terrorist package sent to Empire, c/o Jussie Smollett, to Smollett.

Next stop, federal felony charges and prison.

The article praises USPS inspectors as one of the most underrated law enforcement agencies in the country. They have ways of tracking a package back to its source that ignorant criminals aren’t even aware of.

The article suggests one technique which is most likely the way Smollett has been caught.

If you drop a package in the mail, there is something on the average person that will identify you.

I will give you a moment to think about it.





It’s your cell phone.

Smollett threat letter called “enormous mistake”; Purported attack location identified; Federal charges “certain”


ht/ hot salsa

31 Comments on uh oh- CWBChicago is Reporting Smollett Connected To Terrorist Letter Sent to Empire Offices

  1. I’m seriously waiting to see what legal consequences he ends up facing for this.

    If he weren’t such a high profile person with such widespread media coverage of the attack, I would be betting on none or almost none.

    But he’s so prominent and the “attack” so well promoted by the Media his case might be different than most (where they usually are delayed and delayed till the public forgets and then either dismissed or plea bargained down to nothing).

    In any event, I’m pretty sure he and his promoters will never really accept any responsibility, trying the shift the real blame onto someone else (such as Trump or Whites or homophobia or …….) instead of placing it squarely on himself and those standing behind him.

  2. “A law firm partner who asked not to be identified by name spoke with us about the federal problems ahead for whoever mailed the letter: “If they have Smollett on the letter, he’ll be facing ’terroristic hoax’ charges, a felony. There may be federal obstruction charges as well.”

    All in all, the federal legal options are numerous: “If they want to bury him, they can.”

    They can. But will they?
    He’s black, a ‘celebrity’, he’s been used as a martyr by the Fake News, he’s gay–which means he’s SO BRAVE.

    Equal Justice Under The Law ?! My ass.
    There is NO WAY he will be punished as he deserves. I can see the politicians now haggling over concessions that will be made to preserve the mendacity of our victim culture, but to funnel some cash in the right pockets.

  3. Until a high profile person (he is now) faces dire consequences for their actions, law and order, i.e. justice, will never prevail.

    I’ll be surprised if he gets more than a severe talking to.

  4. FWIW,

    Unless someone is really smart and aware, it is almost impossible to use those peel and stick stamps without leaving a fingerprint behind (like trying to tear scotch tape off of a roll without leaving fingerprints).

    Which means the FBI and Postal inspectors probably already know who mailed it. (Probably as discriminated from certainly since someone really smart at mailing threatening letters could have avoided it.)

    We’ll see how this turns out.

  5. When the Smollett faux attack first came out Kamala Harris and Cory Booker talked about this being a “lynching”.
    A website (I cannot recall the site) had photos of Booker, Harris and Smollett together as BFF’s. Meanwhile, Democrats are attempting to pass a “No Lynching Bill” in congress.
    I find it all very suspicious.

  6. If Smollet is let off with a slap to the wrist it’s because the Left has completely cowed our culture into submission to a much bigger hoax.

    (Hey Fur, how’s that for “pithy”?)

  7. Blue,

    In a perfect world Mumia Abu-Jamal would have been executed decades ago. That would have everything to do with the fact that he murdered a cop.

    The racists stuff is loosing it’s street value because this idiot had to hire immigrants to do a job that most Americans won’t do. There are probably more Flat Earthers or victims of clerical sexual abuse than there are actual card carrying klansmen. But I digress… …

  8. Folks, my intuition which is normally spot on, believes he did this, when the last hoax (dc maga kids)failed. Look at some dates, when the indian bastard and the thuggers raged at those kids. Then the light came on those roaches..this homoeyo became enraged then and plotted the letter to get those trump supporting whiteys..there is the motive.

  9. The Utopian Stateists just don’t seem to understand that selective application of the law undermines the legitimacy of the State. Once a critical mass no longer recognize the authority of the State as legitimate, it is their prerogative, and quite possibly their duty, to oppose the State.

  10. I, for one, have really enjoyed Black Hoax Month so far.
    Thank you Governor Northam.
    Thank you Mr. Fairfax.
    Thank you Jussie Smurflett.

    Right on my neega’s. (fist bump)

  11. I have to disagree with those that figure because he’s gay, black and a celebrity that he’ll get a slap on the wrist. The BLM and other Blacks as well as the LGBTQETC don’t reward failure and since he was being cut from EMPIRE don’t expect any support from ABC either. In fact, I suspect that since so many hi-profile ShowBiz and Political types supported him loudly and frequently and have now taken a real hit on their credibility (and having to eat their words) and the anti-Trump/White movement being hit as well expect them all to come out demanding the full force of justice to be applied to Smollett. The Reverend Al is only the first one. I really think this guy is looking at serious jail time in a Federal Prison and will act as a warning to others.

  12. Agreed, scr_north. He thought all of Hollyweird and leftist media would support his lunatic scheme. It has gone sideways so fast, he’s going to wish he never existed when hit with Federal charges.


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