uh oh… Math Quiz… (Show your work in the comments) – IOTW Report

uh oh… Math Quiz… (Show your work in the comments)

I predict fighting…

71 Comments on uh oh… Math Quiz… (Show your work in the comments)

  1. C. $100

    The crook walked out of the store with everything he had when he walked in, plus $70 in merchandise and $30 in cash. That adds up to $100.

    That $100 bill just moved around inside the store a little bit, but ended up where it started out.

    Edit: @Burner – well done, and you type faster than I do! (-:

    Edit #2: @BFH – Fighting? Oh, yeah? Burner and I are right any anybody who says different is wrong and will have Burner to answer to! (-:

  2. If you really want to get nit-picky, the store owner was out $30 in currency (money) and merchandise that would have sold for $70 but with unknown wholesale cost, and that had cost the owner some amount in handling time and storage space. So without more information, we can know how much money the store owner lost only if we define “money” as only Fed Reserve notes or U.S. Mint coins. But now we’re waaaaay off into the weeds.

  3. $100, minus whatever the markup was over the owner’s original cost of the $70 worth of goods.

    (Or, to put it another way, $30 plus the original cost of the goods to the store owner.)

  4. But, Jethro, he can deduct the $100+ loss as an expense. But he’ll need to consult a fiat money (tax> attorney first which will cost him about $500. With a little luck, he’ll list THAT as an expense, too, and come out ahead!

  5. But, after all that, he’ll probably get audited by both his State Department of Revenue and the IRS (because he’s a Conservative), costing him a small fortune. So, never mind.

  6. When the receipts are tallied at the end of the day, the register will be $100 short. The owner is out $100 and that will be reported as “shrinkage”. If an employee was working the register, they will probably be fired.

  7. $200.
    – The first $100 paid for $100 worth of product that another customer left with.
    – $70 worth of more product left the store without being paid for (remember the first $100 was to cover product that already left the store).
    – $30 change given to the thief from the register that was in there from another $30 worth of product leaving the store.

    Any questions?

  8. Thief stole a painting ($100) from BFH. Thief took painting back to BFH and used it to buy a Hamilton ticket from BFH for $70 (at the Theatre Tallahasse). As a kind gesture, BFH threw in, for free, a MAGA hat (worth $30) for thief to wear to the play. Little did the thief (named Gillum) know that BFH was actually an undercover FBI agent! Last I heard, the thief hired some lawyer named Avenatti.

  9. Nothing. The owner’s gay entitlement millennial son had already been sucking from his dad’s business so much that the owner was really not the owner any longer, except on the tax return on the business that all the profits were no longer his.

  10. Three salesmen are in town for a convention and decide to save expenses by sharing a hotel room. The room cost is $30 a night, so each guy chips in 10 bucks and they pay the bill. After they have gone up to the room, the hotel clerk remembers that the hotel has a special room rate of $25 a night for conventions, so he hands the bellhop five $1 bills and tells him to refund it equally to the three salesmen. On his way up to the room, the bellhop can’t figure out how to split the five bucks three ways, so he hands each guy a dollar and pockets the other two dollars for himself. This now makes the room cost to each man $9, for a total of $27. So, $27 plus the $2 that the bellhop pocketed is $29.

    What happened to the other dollar?

  11. I see it as …
    1. thief stole $100 from merchant … a loss of $100
    2. thief received another $30 from merchant ‘in change’ … now, a loss of $130 for the merchant
    3. thief received $70 of merchandise, paid for by the merchant … now, a loss of $200
    4. merchant has to claim a profit of $70 to the gubmint, while losing an actual $130 in cash & $70 in merchandise value = >$200 loss

  12. ‘Merchandise that would have sold for $70’ – not a one of you mentioned how much more in sales he’ll have to do to make up for the loss of the cash and goods procured with stolen money.

  13. vv-
    Why are you adding 2 bucks to the 27?
    You should be subtracting it.

    The guys paid 27 bucks (9×3). Now subtract the 2 bucks the bellhop took and that’s 25.
    25 is what the hotel has.

    So, the guys have 3 bucks… the bellhop has 2 bucks and the hotel has 25. That’s 30.

  14. F – as in eff you like the THIEF’s attitude.

    Merchant was stolen from, 100
    Lost the goods, 70
    Gave money away, 30

    How much could he made IF the perp did not steal from him to begin with?

    70 bucks that some other person would have spent on the very same merch.

  15. You forgot to add that the convenience store is in Ferguson, MO. So the shoplifting was followed by the (justified) shooting of the perp. The resulting riots cost the store owner everything.

  16. @BFH: I just Googled the definition for a “blogger” and got the following:



    noun: blogger; plural noun: bloggers

    A masochist who regularly writes material for a blog.

    So – I guess you might be right.


  17. The clerk is out only the money stolen. $100.

    The thief paid for his goods.
    It doesn’t matter where the thief got the money. He still used it to pay for the goods he acquired.

  18. A train travels 69 miles an hour, west, at angle of 249°. There are 263 liberals and 17 RINOs on the train. The liberals bought their tickets with an average of $97 worth of food stamps and $36 worth of section 8 vouchers. The RINOs tricked God fearing conservatives into donating $250 to their PAC. Of which $74.49 was spent on their fare. The remainder of their fare was provided by the Deep State and Ben Shapiro. Glenn Beck tossed in $30 when he finally realized Ben donated. Mark Dice sold 482 T-Shirts for $19.95 each to refinish his kitchen and Hillary Clinton stole $29,183.26 worth of silverware from the White House. Kim Kardashian’s dad had his penis tucked for $97,716.11 and Bill Cosby has been jailed X=Number of Days. The Tooth Fairy stole $85.26 from immigrants, 9 black people died of police shootings they deserved. Lindsey Graham finally realized he had Cryptorchidism. Then Michael Moore ate Joy Behar and weighed 56lbs less than Rosie O’Donnell. When suddenly, Barack Obama informed everyone that Reggie was only 5.93″ fully erect and he was disappointed that Michael had a solid 4″ more. Then Anderson Pooper kissed Don Lemon 13 times after Don made the white pride okay symbol 2.5 times. Upon finally realizing Debbie Wasserman’s hair was made up of 97% fermented grease, the diesel industry decided to try tier 9 standards, as outlined by Henry Waxman.

    Which direction is the smoke from the locomotive traveling?

  19. A bear hunter was looking for a bear. He walked south for a mile and didn’t see anything. He turned right and walked another mile. Still no bear. After turning right again he walked another mile, found himself back where he started, and finally shot a bear.

    What color was the bear?

  20. First he took 100 from the till. Then he gave it back for 70 bucks of merchandise but the money he gave back was from an previous transaction that belonged to the storekeeper. He got 30 in change so the shopkeeper is out 100 bucks. At first I thought it was 200 but it’s not or is it? I say total store owner is out is 100. It’s like he just walked in the held up the store for 70 bucks merchandise and took 30 from the till, but the storekeeper didn’t know it was robbery at the time.

  21. Seems simple enough. 100 dollars was taken then returned = zero loss, even if store owner was unaware 100 dollars went missing.
    The 100 dollars is taken again, this time in the form of 70 dollars worth of merchandise and 30 dollars change. Owner out 100 dollars.

  22. @Uncle Al (at 10:52 pm): That privileged racist honkey bear deserved to be shot.

    (Unless he was an albino black bear that made the mistake of straying too far north of the plantation, of course.)



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