Uh-oh! Mika Brzezinski’s gone bye-bye. – IOTW Report

Uh-oh! Mika Brzezinski’s gone bye-bye.


Mika: “Uhhhh … I had hope … uh … and an open mind. And I have lost hope completely and my mind is closed. This presidency is fake and failed.”

[…] The most shocking thing she admitted was she had an open mind. Who’da thunk it? I thought Mika was born with a closed mind.

Fake and failed? Really, Mika?

How did President Trump fail?

Seems to me, all Trump did was point out what Mika’s fellow hacks in the Enslaved Press were already gleefully reporting.

I don’t know about you. But I think the fact that news outlets that were reporting on these FISA court rulings just months ago now denouncing their own reporting is a sign of failure.

They have failed to maintain their grip on the narrative.

And, as Mika proudly declared just last month, it is the job of the news media to tell us what to think.

Entire story here


Because I’m going to take a woman who “shows her a$$” on TV, and on a table, seriously.

27 Comments on Uh-oh! Mika Brzezinski’s gone bye-bye.

  1. Like I always say, cancel your cable or sat-tv and quit going to the movies! Hit ’em where it hurts. In a couple months the top bosses will fix or fire them.

  2. Mika, Megyn, bfd. Yet KellyAnne Conway was criticized for being used to being on her knees by dems when seated gracefully upon the couch. What about these bimbos with their legs constantly in or on the air?

    Can you say, “media whores?” I think ya’ can.

  3. Looks decent and she’s a drunk (so I heard – never seen her show)!
    Prolly gets invited to a lot of parties … y’know … the kind with 3 guys, 2 bottles of Vodka, in an Oldsmobile?
    Sort of a “Kennedy” party?

    izlamo delenda est …

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