UK: Child accused of calling her rapist a ‘slur’, gets dragged into court for hate crime – IOTW Report

UK: Child accused of calling her rapist a ‘slur’, gets dragged into court for hate crime

Milo: Police in Somerset are reported to have neglected the plights of child rape victims in cases where the rapist was Muslim.

In one incident, a victim of serial child rape was dragged before a court for the “racial abuse” of her rapist. The case involved two Turkish immigrants who had groomed six girls between the ages of 14 and 15. The men, Ahmet Kurtyemez and Mehmet Citak, were sentenced to 12 years and 20 years in jail for sexual offenses committed in the area.

A report commissioned by the Somerset Safeguarding Children Board (SSBC) stated that there were at least 14 missed opportunities for the two men to be brought to justice, and criticized social services for refusing to investigate concerns raised by the victims when they repeatedly got pregnant.

The case review looked at two girls whose cases date back to 2010. The duo told investigators that they thought they were in relationships with the adult men, who ran a barber shop and piercing studio in Yeovil.

The report discovered how possible signs of abuse were missed by authorities whose job it was to safeguard children, including an occasion when a 15-year-old girl had an abortion. It also revealed another girl who was visited by one of the men when she was an inpatient at a mental health hospital in Somerset, and became pregnant again.

Worst of all, the report highlights the case of one girl who was wrongly taken to court for allegedly hurling racial abuse at her rapist, while the man got off scott free and wasn’t investigated until years later.

While her rape, and the rapes of the other girls were ignored, police and social services in Somerset were more concerned about appearing politically correct by giving priority over to the so-called “hate crime.”  read more 

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