UK Churchill Statue Encased In “featureless grey box” For Its Own Protection – IOTW Report

UK Churchill Statue Encased In “featureless grey box” For Its Own Protection


The statue of Sir Winson Churchill has been imprisoned within a grey box to stop Black Lives Matter supporters from repeatedly vandalising it — an alternative to using active policing to deter them which some have claimed as an admission of defeat.

The monument to Britain’s wartime leader, which stands opposite the Palace of Westminster in Parliament Square, has previously been defaced with graffiti branding him “racist” and denouncing all police as “bastards” at several of the illegal mass protests which have taken place in Britain in recent weeks. With more protests liable to come, the memorial — and several others in central London — has now been boarded over. More

17 Comments on UK Churchill Statue Encased In “featureless grey box” For Its Own Protection

  1. I hope they can protect the Churchill War Rooms too.

    I understand the opposition to this step, but what can you do against a screaming horde of brainwashed fools, who are attacking things in multiple places simultaneously? Can you protect everything? As long as these unprincipled, manipulated, wantonly-destructive sheep are allowed to roam free, everything is fair game for them. The only way to stop this is to lock these people up–and their leaders too–and throw away the key. Until someone has the guts to do this, the violence and destruction will continue.

  2. Yep…’featureless grey box” is Aaron Burr’s territory, but I bet it will have something to do with Pelosi, Feinstein, Hillary, RBG, Boxer…certainly Boxer…et. al…and a 64 F100…..somewhere in Arizona…

  3. Winston Churchill was right in that the fascists have now become anti- fascists. That large gray box covering the statue of Winston Churchill reminds me of the black monolith in the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey where all the apes were fighting over it at the beginning of that movie and it was driving them crazy. The apes have now become the anti-fascists and anarchists and are just as set on destruction then as they are now. That’s the only I can describe that hideous gray box surrounding the statue of Winston Churchill who did more to save England from real fascism in the 1930’s and 40’s. It’s as if he never existed in the minds of the people who are set on destroying the free World. If you remove the memory of the past you are bound to repeat the same follies of the past. And these idiots think that they’re the smart ones and we’re just a bunch of dolts who dwell in the past. They are dead wrong and are about ready to receive their comeuppance both here in the US and in England and the rest of the free World as well. And just like when we defeated the real fascists before we will do it again. Can’t we ever learn from the past that you have to stand up to the bullies rather than appease them over and over again hoping they’ll stop their bullying if we just play nice with them and let them roughshod over us. It doesn’t work that way now is the time to kick their fascist/anti-fascist asses and say enough is enough, we will not tolerate their terrorism any longer. If we don’t stand up to them now we will enter a new dark age and it won’t be pretty.

  4. There is no point at which they say that ought to do it. It’s burn everything just because it needs to burn. Mobs don’t think about history and what was done for them. They enjoy chaos looting and destruction. Fighting back will take real men. Do we possess what it takes? The communist/socialist left owns this. Hope they eat them first.

  5. Defacing the statue of a great leader like Churchill is just sick. The people doing that sort of thing are no better than ignorant destructive children, destroying what they don’t understand. Churchill stood up to evil and made the world a better place.

    Antifa punks want to destroy his legacy of freedom and democracy.
    He was responsible for steering Britain through it’s worst crisis. His actions saved Britain and possibly America from the Nazi scourge.

    The world has gone bonkers.

  6. 24 British SAS with a license do whatever they wanted to protect that statue. Those tough m——-ers would show an entire world how to deal with anti-fa!

  7. If you want to participate in tyranny, the first thing you have to do is give yourself a name no one would dare oppose.

    Like “Black Lives Matter”, “pro-Choice”, “Progressives”…


    Maggie warned them and us 22 years ago. Everyone said she was a conservative nut! How right she was; and how wrong the GOPe was, AND STILL IS!

  9. At least the Brits are doing “SOMETHING“ to protect their statues and heritage…..

    In the states…..we do nothing and the mob tears them down…..

    I’ll choose the Brit’s way.

  10. If the Battle of Britain was the finest hour of the British people and the Dominions who defeated the Nazis in the skies over southern England in 1941, hiding Winston S. Churchill’s statue in front of Parliament in a wooden box has to be the darkest hour of what’s left of Great Britain.


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