UK Company Says Male Cosmetic Counters Expected in Stores Soon – IOTW Report

UK Company Says Male Cosmetic Counters Expected in Stores Soon

The faggoning continues.


Male make-up counters could become a reality within five years, the UK boss of L’Oreal has said, as it is no longer a taboo for the “selfie generation”.

In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Vismay Sharma, the cosmetics giant’s UK managing director, said that demand for make-up among men was growing fast.

Speaking about the industry as a whole, he said male-targeted counters in department stores and drug stores could be a reality in “five to seven years”.

He said: “Today you have a very small proportion of men who want to use make up products but that proportion is growing and it will continue to grow. I think its just awareness – two things are happening, men know they can use make up, and they know what it does when you use it.

“The second thing is that the taboos are going, so between my generation and my son’s generation the taboos are very different.”

“Is the trend going to go towards bold colours or more subtle? I don’t know. But what I do know is we are listening very carefully to consumers and what they want.”


Tampons for men are just around the corner.

Who is this pleasing??

And for what reason?

ht/ illustr8r


30 Comments on UK Company Says Male Cosmetic Counters Expected in Stores Soon

  1. Emasculated men will not put up a fight when the boot is placed on their necks. Pure and simple, this push to demonize “manliness” is for the express purpose of control.

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