UK: ‘Devastated’ Muslim Demands Compensation After Being Served ‘Diabolical’ Sausage McMuffin – IOTW Report

UK: ‘Devastated’ Muslim Demands Compensation After Being Served ‘Diabolical’ Sausage McMuffin


A “devastated” Muslim man is demanding an apology and compensation after McDonald’s served him a “diabolical” Sausage McMuffin in Birmingham, England.

49-year-old Fida Hussain told MailOnline he purchases a breakfast of one Egg McMuffin, hash browns, and coffee from a McDonald’s drive-thru on Coventry Road, Small Heath, every morning — but on December 17th his daily routine took a “diabolical” turn.

“I trusted them. I was watching Judge Judy and bit into the McMuffin and knew instantly when I tasted it that it was meat,” he said of the fateful bite.

“I am a practising Muslim with a nice, long beard and proud of it so they knew,” insisted Mr Hussain, who MailOnline described as a “former self-employed courier” and father of four.

“I would like an apology and financial compensation. I’m devastated. It’s put me off McDonald’s and I’m mortified,” he added.

“It’s diabolical for a professional retailer that’s worldwide.”

Hussain said he returned the offending breakfast bun the same day, and was given an egg and cheese McMuffin replacement meal free of charge, but that neither this nor an offer of meal vouchers were enough to appease him.

“I’ve kept myself away from  [pork] all my life. McDonald’s is a big name, it’s a huge retailer. They shouldn’t make mistakes like this,” he insisted. read more

32 Comments on UK: ‘Devastated’ Muslim Demands Compensation After Being Served ‘Diabolical’ Sausage McMuffin

  1. …oh, come on now, people, YOU’VE had mornings on the toilet after eating an undercooked Sausage McMuffin served up by a harassed minimum-wage employee who didn’t wash his hands where YOU thought they were pretty diabolical TOO, at least until the cramps subsided…

  2. …what IS Muzzie hell, anyway? NOT being allowed to rape children, molest goats, and kill people for not believing in your fake religion?

    And you get bacon EVERY DAY?

    …tough to imagine it’s worse that the shitholes Islam turns every country it takes over into, just sayin’…

  3. We’re devastated that sometimes we unknowingly eat halal meat and nobody tells us it’s meat sacrificed to Satan! VERY OFFENSIVE. For instance once my son was cook at a private restaurant and he saw a label on a cardboard box in their dumpster–he recognized Arabic writing and it was labeled “Halal” with some sort of certifying insignia with an address that said Washington D.C.! The other employees could not even recognize Arabic when he brought it to their attention. It only happened once and he’s left there now. But that SH is delivered on restaurant supply trucks! I’ve still got that label somewhere.

  4. I worked with a carpenter who apparently upon eating egg mcmuffins would produce poison gas in massive amounts. The guy was a good carpenter and I liked teaming up with him because together we could lay out ridiculous amounts of framing in a day. I began looking in his vehicle in the morning at the jobsite. If I saw McDonald’s bags/wrappers in his vehicle I would say the hell with production and buddy with someone else that day. (He actually made one guy puke stuck on a scissor lift with him once)

  5. You can’t pick up an Egg McMuffin without Canadian Bacon or Sausage and one WITH and not instantly know the difference.
    Or the aroma.

    The guy’s a fuckin liar.
    He (probably) eats sausage all the time, but this time someone saw it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Tim
    JANUARY 5, 2020 AT 12:27 PM

    “The guy’s a fuckin liar.
    He (probably) eats sausage all the time, but this time someone saw it.

    izlamo delenda est …”

    …”Obama” is a Muzz and HE eats sausage all the TIME, usually Reggies or Mike’s…

  7. I think the emphasis should be on his being a former self-employed courier. He knew exactly what he ordered and what he was going to do. He is insulting Islam in his attempt to extort money from McDonald’s in what is a transparent (and clumsy) attempt at fraud. Some Mullah ought to lay a Fatwa on his lying ass.

  8. C’mon, you know he had to cause a scene otherwise it would get out he wasn’t Muslim “enough” and you know how that ends. I bet he has a bag of bacon bits in his fridge. Poser.

  9. Did he order a egg McMuffin or a sausage egg McMuffin? It’s a good thing he didn’t order a Mccrap or a Mcfib. And I’ve never met or eaten a diabolical sandwich of any kind before. He should be compensated only for the value of the breakfast sandwich and nothing more.

  10. Orthodox Jews keep a Kosher Kitchen to avoid blunders such as this.
    Blunders are human nature, if you’re so damn “devastated”, keep a halal kitchen and STFU, eh?
    “…financial compensation.”, and that’s the real story here.
    Leave the clown alone !

  11. Let the muzzies start their own fast food chain. Goat-fil-A, or McHalal’s or whatever. Did anyone notice the muslims use the same playbook as the progressives? I wonder why that is.

  12. “McDonald’s is a big name, it’s a huge retailer. They shouldn’t make mistakes like this!”

    And HOW long has he been eating at McDonalds? The local restaurant with the HS teenager on her phone in the drive through gets my order wrong in some fashion one out of every three times I go there!

  13. Years ago, we were training a group of Saudis where I work. I’d be eating deer sausage for lunch and the Ragheads would ask me what I was eating. I’d tell them deer sausage and they would ask if they could try it. Sure, I said. They loved it. I never told them it was a 50/50 mix of venison and pork. They’d all get drunk and go to the titty bars on the weekends. They were scumbags.

  14. Hambone- You’re exactly right! No different in Las Vegas. They’re at titty bars, at casinos and they drink, eat cheeseburgers with bacon all up in it. They don’t dare act a fool in a ‘sinful’ place and risk some uppity muslim finding out and getting them into some trouble. lol.


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