UK Muslim Couple Jailed for Plotting Bomb Attack After Meeting on Dating Site – IOTW Report

UK Muslim Couple Jailed for Plotting Bomb Attack After Meeting on Dating Site

33-year-old woman had advertised “for a simple, very simple, honest and straightforward man who fears Allah.”

TRUTH REVOLT: A couple who met on a Muslim dating site were jailed on Thursday for plotting Islamic State-inspired bomb attacks in the UK.

Munir Hassan Mohammed, 37, was sentenced to life imprisonment, and Rowaida El-Hassan, 33, was jailed for 12 years. The couple shared ISIS beheading clips on WhatsApp during the courtship.

Mohammed, assisted by pharmacist El-Hassan, managed to procure key chemicals used for making triacetone triperoxide (TATP), an explosive used by ISIS in previous terror attacks in France and Belgium. He also downloaded information on how to make the deadly toxin ricin.

According to the investigators, the couple was planning a bomb or ricin attack over the Christmas holidays. READ MORE

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