UK: Muslims enraged at plan to open bar next to mosque, claim it will lead to “drink-fueled Islamophobia” – IOTW Report

UK: Muslims enraged at plan to open bar next to mosque, claim it will lead to “drink-fueled Islamophobia”

Jihad Watch: This is ridiculous, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work. Islamic law forbids Muslims to drink alcohol. It does not forbid them to pray in mosques that are next to bars.

“A gin bar and distillery planned for a building next to a central Chelmsford mosque could lead to an increased risk of drink–fuelled Islamophobia, objectors have claimed.”

That, too, is ridiculous. Millions of non-Muslims drink in bars, or at least they did before the world went mad, and are never overcome with “Islamophobia” as a result. The demand that this bar not be opened next to the mosque is a gesture of pure supremacism, an assertion of Islamic hegemony. Islamic law forbids the subjugated dhimmis to make public display of their religion, and also openly to display wine or pork. So the mosque goers are asserting Sharia stipulations over the non-Muslims. And in shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain, they will likely succeed. more

18 Comments on UK: Muslims enraged at plan to open bar next to mosque, claim it will lead to “drink-fueled Islamophobia”

  1. Hey goat fuckers, I don’t recall any beheadings or genital mutilations in the local pub. Maybe it is your shithole gathering place, that pollutes the public with your call to prayer loudspeakers, that should close up.


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