UK proposes six-year prison sentence for criticizing Islam – IOTW Report

UK proposes six-year prison sentence for criticizing Islam

Jihad Watch: The draft law speaks only about criticizing “religion,” but everyone knows which religion is meant. No one is going to go to prison for criticizing Christianity or Judaism. This is more of Britain’s gallop toward Sharia and ruin.

“UK Proposes Six Year Prison Sentences for Online Posts Against Religion, Transgender,” by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, May 10, 2018:

People promoting “hostility” towards a religion or the transgendered online could get much harsher sentences, of up to six years in jail, especial if they have a large online audience according to new proposals.

The Sentencing Council for England and Wales has drafted changes to public order offences, including anyone perceived as targeting online a “protected characteristics” including “race; sex; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; pregnancy and maternity; and gender reassignment.”

The most severe punishments will be handed to those “in a position of trust, authority or influence and abuses their position to stir up hatred,” such as political leaders or figureheads and anyone whose offences are “persistent.”  more here

25 Comments on UK proposes six-year prison sentence for criticizing Islam

  1. Canada already has similar “hate speech ” laws. This is why our first and second amendments are so important. And why they are under constant attack from the left.

  2. Religion is a dangerous word, people start their cars religiously. Wear warm clothing when it’s cold out of habit. Habit and religion maybe use interchangeably. So the wording of this law had better be extremely precise.

  3. If true, there will be a lot of moslims in British prisons.

    They are uninhibited in their derogation of Christians and Jews.

    But, to be fair, I doubt seriously the law will be equally applied.

    Just sayin’.

  4. Keep in mind, there doesn’t have to be actual proof that you did or said anything, the person you offended has to FEEL like you offended them. No police reports, no investigations. Someone else could have picked up YOUR phone, scribbled a comment or joined an ‘offensive’ facebook page, and just like that, you’re in jail.

    UK is drowning because of their PC anchor and they’re trying to save themselves by pulling the innocents under and climbing on top of them.

    And they don’t have guns. Heh.

  5. @Tony R May 11, 2018 at 11:47 am

    America is the only country that has a mass of people that care enough about freedom and the 1A and 2A (and the rest), and that also have the strength and guts to do something about it. Being armed is an absolute necessity to defend the rest.

    Some countries have tossed aside the right to own guns like it’s an unwanted fetus.

  6. Ladies, wadda ya thinking? They’re all Libtard socialists over there. That’s how they got that screwed up in the first place. I have a feeling they’d welcome our Jihadys with open arms. No swap required.

  7. Islam is a socio-political death cult founded by a man who destabilized into postictal states following what was almost certainly epileptic seizures and hallucinations after the death of his older, wealthy wife. He descended into robbing, slaughter, brutality, slavery, and child rape. After raping and brainwashing his six year old bride (raping beginning at nine), he even alienated his closest allies, one in particular being forced to flee with his family after Mohammad stated, in open court, that he would soon marry the man’s two year old daughter, still crawling when presented to him. All this at his fifties, of course.

    And that’s just getting started. We haven’t even touched the genocidal treatment of Jews and Christians, ie: the horrific treatment of ‘the People of the Book’, jizya, taqiyya, and so on…

    Of course, even though this IS FACT and not slander, under UK law I would be screwed…

  8. This is a secular state, where criticism of religion is a fundamental right.

    Seems this move is clearly aimed at doing something Hitler could only dream of and any religious zealout would cherish: Shutting people up who hold opinions on Islam and as such thise goes against the principles of an open, democratic society – something people fought and died to establish and for good reason.

    People have God-damn RIGHT to criticize religion – Islam included – and this government has NO right treating its own citizens like shit. Vote them OUT.

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