UK: Rotherham Council Ordered to Apologize to Whistleblower They Harassed for Exposing Muslim Rape Gang Scandal – IOTW Report

UK: Rotherham Council Ordered to Apologize to Whistleblower They Harassed for Exposing Muslim Rape Gang Scandal

Geller Report- They did nothing when their young girls, the future of their nation, were being abused and having their lives destroyed by Muslim rapists. One of the victims did a comprehensive interview with me here and here. She had over 100 names of rapists and traffickers, but the police “didn’t have time” to take all the names.

But they did have time to persecute and harass this whistleblower, so hell-bent were they on protecting their Muslim rapists and allowing them to continue their work.

And today, they still do nothing, even after massive international publicity. But they did ban me from visiting the UK, because our presence would not be “conducive to the public good.”  MORE

4 Comments on UK: Rotherham Council Ordered to Apologize to Whistleblower They Harassed for Exposing Muslim Rape Gang Scandal

  1. Disgusting and shameful display of the- Cowardly Men of Europe.
    There should have been a convention of staves long ago and the perpetrators should be spending lengthy convalescences in their home shitholes
    (sorry cato)

  2. The liberals have convinced themselves that removing borders and barriers is a good thing for everybody.

    The value of the lives of 15 year old girls apparently don’t count for anything.


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