UK Special Forces Told To Stop Rescuing Stranded Westerners Because It’s Making US Military Look Bad – IOTW Report

UK Special Forces Told To Stop Rescuing Stranded Westerners Because It’s Making US Military Look Bad

Washington Examiner

I understand that the commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division has told the commander of the British special forces at the Kabul airport to cease operations beyond the airport perimeter.

Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue has told his British Army counterpart, a high-ranking field-grade officer of the British army’s 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, that British operations were embarrassing the United States military in the absence of similar U.S. military operations. I understand that the British officer firmly rejected the request. More

27 Comments on UK Special Forces Told To Stop Rescuing Stranded Westerners Because It’s Making US Military Look Bad

  1. …where ARE the rest of our “NATO Allies” in all this?

    Wasn’t this supposed to be a NATO operation?

    Did the REST of NATO just evaporate?

    …or are they allies, soon to be hostages, that we abandoned as well?

    …it just SEEMS like this should have been discussed at a NATO meeting at SOME point, but I don’t recall ever reading that ot WAS…

  2. “Screw you Yank!!” is what the UK officer should say, “and the horse you rode in on. You no longer have any moral authority here after what China Joe did to us and his own citizens.”

  3. @CC — FYI, there aren’t any five-stars. The last five-star officer in any branch was Omar Bradley, who passed away in 1981.

    There have been only four Fleet Admirals (Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King), and they’re long gone, too.

    This doesn’t diminish your point AT ALL. “Let that one sink in,” indeed!

  4. The American military needs no help in embarrassing itself or the US.
    The British can’t possibly embarrass us more than the puppet dictator Pedo Joe has already.
    I read somewhere that no only is G. Beck raising money but Trump is using his own to try to get Americans home.

  5. The Regiment has made its own decisions since it was formed – that’s why they are the originals and still the class-leaders. As for the rest of NATO, they’ve taken on the mantel of lions led by donkeys.

  6. That woke, PC idiot has done far more to embarrass the US military (such as they now seem to want it to be) than the Brits and the French could ever do. If there’s ANY credibility to be found in the US Army high command now, that man should be cashiered immediately!

  7. 82nd Airborne Division is Shameful.
    Leaving American behind.

    Where are the men? The real men?
    I fear that I’ve been wrong all the long, maybe men can be woman. These supposed men may have penises but the really are woman! Pussies! That’s Biden’s new Army – The 82nd Airborne Division

  8. Too dependent on technology, and intel from the likes of the CIA isn’t helping matters. Add in restrictive ROE’s, and fear of “looking bad” and you end up with timid pansies instead of leaders.

  9. Army went WOKE decades ago. Liberal coward Doahue is proof! Were the Army not WOKE he would have been “passed over’3 times 26 years ago!
    Army went to fight Americans; NOT MERICA’S ENEMIES!

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