UK Supreme Court Rules Suspension of Parliament Unlawful – IOTW Report

UK Supreme Court Rules Suspension of Parliament Unlawful

Fox News

The United Kingdom’s high court has dealt a stunning blow to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, ruling Tuesday that his five-week suspension of Parliament amid a debate over Brexit was illegal.

Despite Johnson calling it a routine closure of Parliament, the unanimous Supreme Court declared his order “void and of no effect.” The judges ruled that Johnson’s Conservative government instead shut down lawmakers in an effort to squelch debate on Britain’s divorce from the European Union.

“The suspension was unlawful because it had the effect of frustrating or preventing the ability of Parliament to carry out its constitutional functions without reasonable justification,” Supreme Court President Brenda Hale said in a statement. More

9 Comments on UK Supreme Court Rules Suspension of Parliament Unlawful

  1. Well, well, well The British Supreme Court has decided to make law now instead of enforcing it. Sometime the 51% of Britons that want out will take to the streets and start a much needed revolution. At this point Boris ought to demand that Scotland have another referendum on remaining within Britain and enforce a no interference policy on their voting. When they leave, strip all their MP’s out of the house and have another vote on whether to stay in the EU or go and god help any MP’s that vote against the will of the people this time.

  2. I fail to understand how this is illegal, while bunch of leftists in the paliammnent trying to undo what the people of the UK voted for is not.
    But then the UK deserves little to no sympathy. They poisoned their own country with out of control immigration and allowing leftists to control the narrative.


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