UK Teacher Who Was Fired For ‘Misgendering’ A Student Slaps School With Lawsuit – IOTW Report

UK Teacher Who Was Fired For ‘Misgendering’ A Student Slaps School With Lawsuit

A teacher who was fired for calling a transgender student by her biological gender hit back at the school with a lawsuit.

After math teacher Joshua Sutcliffe, 27, allegedly said “well done girls” to two students at an Oxfordshire secondary school in England, the school suspended him and called for a disciplinary hearing. He apologized to the student, but he was charged with misconduct for “misgendering,” according to the Evening Standard.


Teacher Who Was Fired For ‘Misgendering’ A Student Slaps School With Lawsuit

15 Comments on UK Teacher Who Was Fired For ‘Misgendering’ A Student Slaps School With Lawsuit

  1. 8 year old and 5 year old transgender according to the article, parents suing school in the USA because school won’t let them be who they are.

    cue Sanford, clutches chest, staggers, “This is the big one, I’m comin’ Elizabeth, ‘m comin'”

  2. In a battle of subjective world views, why does the transgender’s subjective view take precedence over the teacher’s subjective view? The transgender sees itself as a boy. The teacher sees the transgender as a girl. Why does the transgender’s subjective view take precedence to the point that the teacher can be fired for not being willing to deny what they see as truth in order to satisfy the transgender’s view of reality?

  3. The little snowflakes should be given labels to wear during school, or headbands.
    one pink, the other one blue. that will not be up to the teacher to misidentify anybody unless to put the wrong color headband on. then it will be a legal issue!

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