Ukraine can’t join NATO now – member state’s president – IOTW Report

Ukraine can’t join NATO now – member state’s president

Lithuania’s Gitanas Nauseda said Kiev should not be admitted to the military bloc until its conflict with Moscow is over.

RT: Ukraine’s aspirations of joining NATO cannot be realized while the country remains locked in a military conflict with Russia, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda has insisited. He noted, however, that a “definite road map” should be developed by mid-summer for Kiev’s eventual accession.

In an interview with Italy’s La Repubblica published on Saturday, Nauseda said letting Ukraine join the US-led military bloc right now “would be too difficult.” The leadership in Kiev is also well aware of this fact, he added.

Instead, the alliance needs to “define stages and formulae of how to act after” the conflict is over, Nauseda continued. He expressed hope that this could be done during the NATO summit in Vilnius on July 11 and 12, 2023. more

13 Comments on Ukraine can’t join NATO now – member state’s president

  1. Just found out last night was the Hollywood White House Oscars.

    Take note that right now at this very moment and the preceeding entire evenings coverages, not one of the only three Live coverage broadcasters have televised anything live tonight at all.

    Just saying, Seems funny.

  2. Fox News, CNN and msNBC have not been reporting that there are active killers roaming the Country. Active manhunts and the media is too nust nursing hangovers or spending quality time with their Hollywood cousins visiting for the White House Awards.

    Shameful abdication of Professional Media Broadcasters and their Public Licenses to Pill the Pharma Ads commercial air spaces.

  3. Did you know there is an active manhunt for a Honduran Immigrant that killed 5 people and got away?

    You wouldn’t know this if you watched Fox News or CNN or microsoftNBC.

  4. Any act of including Ukraine into NATO violates existing agreements not to bring NATO countries toward the Russian border. What’s so hard to understand about that? This whole so called act of aggression by Russia can be defined as an act of defense caused by the refusal of NATO to recognize and behave in accordance of prior agreements.

  5. Rule #1) Respect existing treaties

    Rule #2) Don’t ne adding countries neck deep in wars.

    Plot twist: Russia should apply for NATO membership.

    Plot twist #2: Russia should apply for membership to the EU. (if West Germany thought having East Germany rejoin was expensive, wait until the Great Socialist Collective joins them).

  6. So, Lithuania suggests for Ukraine to wait until Russia decided to be nice and pull out before they let Ukraine into NATO.

    Apparently everyone in power WANTS the forever war between Ukraine and Russia. One of the reasons Putin started this thing, purportedly, was to PREVENT Ukraine becoming part of NATO. Why the hell would he EVER pull out if everyone knew it would then happen?

    Probably all a sham, and Putin’s in on it too. He’s making billions on oil sales and, most likely, getting rid of many of those who don’t like him.

    The rest are getting rich off the MIC.

    FMIC, FNATO, FUkraine, FPutin, FJB

  7. You jnow what would be soo funny too?
    If Jesse Watters had a sore throat or a bad back spasm that happens occassionally and is a documented medical issue that could mean he may not feel upto a Monday May 1 TV Show.

    Must suck to be FOX News.

  8. In this episode one of the Murdaugh Boys kills the father instead of the other way around. After the Old Money Grubbing Carolina Grifturd is dead, everyone starts to live happily ever after again.

  9. YCNMTSUP VOL 5.1 rev23


    FOX Corpsoration is a publicly traded American-Austrailian Mass Media Company operated and controlled by a media moguls mogul nano-genarian Rubert Murduck of New York City and incorpsorated in Post Office Boxes of Joe Bidens DNC Boxes in Delawares formed in 2019 with the procurement of 21 First Republic Centuries Fox by none other than Bobs of Walt Disney Company and Company Stores and golden spun-off Fox Corpsoration.

    Posteriorairity Poster


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