Ukrainian forces launch counter offensive in effort to reclaim lost territory

Ukrainian troops are counter-attacking Russian forces in some areas of the country, with reports that they have gained ground near the capital, Kyiv.



  1. When a fighting force like Russia takes ground, occupies ground, they set up all kinds of defensive shit. Like over watch. Snipers. They will have all kinds of short, medium, and long range sensors set up. Not to mention drones and satellites. I find this story extremely anorexic. Just like the rest of them.

  2. yeah, & Trump was Putin’s bitch

    btw, Hunter’s lap top was ‘Russian Disinformation’ … seriously!
    & most all Russian top generals have been killed
    & Russians are bombing maternity hospitals & old people & women & children in theaters

    & ‘the 1980’s called; they want their foreign policy back’

    pretty sure I saw this same story during the US/Iraq war w/ the Baby Milk Factory bombing

  3. Now that Ukraine’s heroic tranny army has turned the tide, The United States just needs to enforce another no fly zone. The grrls will roll those commies all the way back to Moscow!

  4. Them ‘cyberwarriors’ should know their extremist activities fall under ‘terrorism’ and governing laws as much as it does as if they were physically present. Add the fact that those American ‘volunteers’ who choose to go over there to fight will not be permitted to return home. Either choose wisely or stay out of it especially since ya didn’t care in the first place.

  5. Incestuous nihilistic-totalitarian squabble over who’s the more corrupt.

    America has no dog in this fight – other than the corrupt rich who need international money-laundering capabilities – Big Pharma, Arms Dealers, Drug Dealers, Wall St, Spook Agencies, Gates, Buffett, Pelosi, Clinton, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, that bald-headed asshole, &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. US Special Forces “prepping the battlefield” that the Rolling Stone guy was reporting a couple of days ago, followed by yesterday’s NYT report that the Russians were “stalled”. And now this BBC “ successful counterattack” story. That’s one well-oiled operation. At this rate, Putin will be surrendering Saturday.

    It seems like the only people working effectively as a team in Ukraine are journos pushing their narrative.

  7. @Tim – FJB March 24, 2022 at 6:18 am

    > America has no dog in this fight – other than the corrupt rich

    The cosmopolitans (internationals, if you prefer) are America’s “dog in this fight”. They occupied The United States, and declared war on Americans. Decades ago. They have been (hat tip to Whoopi Goldberg: “literally, literally”) abducting, torturing, and killing Americans. For decades.

    They have, now, opened another (hot) front, with Russia.

    Americans are (still) free to stand down. Again. And allow their cosmopolitan occupiers to fight Russia. With American blood and treasure. While Americans wait for The United States government to get back to abducting, torturing, and killing them. In earnest. Again.

    Or not.

  8. Biden will send planes in the evacuate the muslim population to the US after the russians control everything except one airport.

    Freedom loving Christians will be exterminated to satisfy those who are advocates of de-populations. The EU and NATO will lift the sanctions and rebuild Ukraine for the next War of liberation.

  9. The innocent civilians caught in the middle of this war are victims of a cruel fate, unable to find comfort in the past or peace in the present. Millions of them have lost everything. You can not make peace with dictators. Vladimir Putin is never going to be able to subjugate the Ukrainian people and this war could bring him down. Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus might be brought down as well. President* Joey Obiden Bama isn’t looking too good either. Tell me that’s not in our country’s interest.

  10. counter-attacking Russian forces in some areas of the country, with reports that they have gained ground

    Cool, sounds like the Ukranians have it covered. Keep our soldiers here, we need to get out of the business of being the policeman of the world.

  11. Durka Durka: During World War II, tens of thousands of Japanese were interned in Canada under Prime Minister Mackenzie King and in the United States under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Most of them were Canadian and American citizens. Same thing happened during World War I with Germans and Austro-Hungarians. Some of these internees were working as agents for the enemies of the Allied Countries. Neither Canada nor the United States were invaded or occupied by their mortal enemies. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


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