Ukraine PEACE Deal – IOTW Report

Ukraine PEACE Deal

PEACE DEAL reached between Russia and Ukraine and Zelensky is flying to the USA to sign the deal made by President Trump.

Includes mineral wealth, NATO, and territory.


12 Comments on Ukraine PEACE Deal

  1. … afterwords he will be headed to Canada where he and his boyfriend can snuggle up together and console each other with a little pillow talk about how Orange Man Bad treated both of them.

  2. A tweet is not news.

    All the major news sources have reported (within the last hour) that a mineral rights agreement has been reached but nothing regarding a recessation of hostilities, terroritory agreed upon, a decision on NATO membership, or even if Russia was involved.

    I would think that is a genuine peace deal was agreed to by both parties, that a WH press announcement would be made immediately.

  3. If this is true and really happening, Lawrence O’Donnell of whatever stupid network he’s on ought to be forced to drink his own urine.

    He came out yesterday with a blistering attack on Pres. Trump, saying that Macron made a fool of him by refuting a “lie” Pres. Trump was supposed to have made.

    If Pres. Trump engineered a peace deal, he could be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He would become an even greater hero if he wins and then tells the Nobel Committee to stick it up its collective ass.

    ‘Twould make me laugh. Out loud.


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