Ukraine Is Only Asking for One Percent – IOTW Report

Ukraine Is Only Asking for One Percent


One per cent of Western Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a worthy sacrifice to defeat Russia and is dwarfed by what America spent to beat Nazi Germany, says a Ukraine spokesman.

Ukraine very much appreciates the near-$37 billion the United States is already giving in military aid but more — much more, in fact — is needed, a Ukrainian diplomat now working as a full-time procurer of military equipment has said. More

17 Comments on Ukraine Is Only Asking for One Percent

  1. I’m sorry. But you ‘kranianians’ can go fuck yourselves up the nose with rifle cleaning equipment. Not one more penny of American taxpayer $ confiscated from us should go to you and your shithole country. We simply don’t care.

  2. How about our top 1% move there and pay for this war out of their own pockets? Maybe move the Davos confab to Kiev while we’re at it.

    And f—k that little green-shirted monster. Is he still hiding out in Helsinki? Or did he slither back into his Kiev bunker in the dead of night.


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