Ukraine Operating an “I Want to Live” Hotline for Russians – IOTW Report

Ukraine Operating an “I Want to Live” Hotline for Russians


A Ukrainian intelligence project has been working to identify and collect Russian soldiers looking to surrender in order to avoid participation in the ongoing war in Ukraine.

The spokesman for the “I Want to Live” project, Vitaliy Matvienko, told the Kyiv Post in an interview published Wednesday that Russian soldiers can contact them to arrange their surrender. “They save their lives, and fewer will be at the front,” he said. More

8 Comments on Ukraine Operating an “I Want to Live” Hotline for Russians

  1. I remember a few months back when the Ukie propaganda geniuses started a campaign to persuade Russian soldiers to desert and bring their tanks with them. I guess that was a dud, hence this latest comedy from the piano dicktater.

  2. “As of late…..I have found it quite difficult to trust ANY government.” -jellybean

    As of late, I’m convinced humanity doesn’t know how to run one.

    And all I have regarding our horrible SWAMP is…

    …NUKE IT,

    …and start over.


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