Ukraine ‘Pauses’ Offensive – IOTW Report

Ukraine ‘Pauses’ Offensive


Ukrainian forces have paused counter-offensive operations to “reevaluate their tactics” just weeks after they began, and following minimal gains.

Defense officials from NATO member Estonia – one of Ukraine’s strongest backers – predicted “we won’t see an offensive over the next seven days,” while Britain’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) said Russia has conducted “relatively effective defensive operations” and “[b]oth sides are suffering high casualties”. MORE

20 Comments on Ukraine ‘Pauses’ Offensive

  1. This statement from the UK Ministry of Defense does not compute: …Russia has conducted “relatively effective defensive operations” and “[b]oth sides are suffering high casualties”.

    Who will suffer the higher casualties, the attacker or defender? I say the attacker. We can read about the Battle of the Somme (WWI) to see how that works.

  2. Another way to say, “We Lost”.
    How can the world not see that Putin is totally holding back?
    I just read that the RU boys walk over and find those German tanks sitting there with the motor running. The Ukies ran out the hatch and just leave it there.

  3. ah yes, another USA financed “Attack to the rear!”

    … I believe they used to call it a ‘Tactical Retreat’

    reminds me of that old joke about Italian tanks w/ 5 reverse gears & 2 that go forward … just in case they’re attacked from the rear

  4. Just how many idiots in the US is the concept of throwing good money after bad lost on?

    Admit you were fooled by The Party and move on to the next current thing. Better yet, try and develop some degree if critical thinking before you go all in chasing the next scam.

  5. That is how I see it also. There is no reason for Putin to simply win right now. Not when we are throwing so much away. And he is getting a hardened cadre of vets. And testing all his new goodies out, while showing off to the rest of Brics how useless our junk is.

  6. “Just how many idiots in the US is the concept of throwing good money after bad lost on?”

    Well, at least the US Congress and Executive branches of our so-called government. How many unmasked faces did you see during the Covid scamdemic? Probably not lost on them, maybe a few others.

  7. “Just how many idiots in the US is the concept of throwing good money after bad lost on?”

    A percentage is turned around and ends up in the pockets of our politicians, their cronies, Big Pharma, Wall Street, China, the WEF, the Cartels, and the politicians’ sycophants.
    The point isn’t to win some phony “war” but to launder money.

    So, it isn’t “good money after bad” – it’s ALL good money when it’s in YOUR pocket.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. God forbid they are following the US Joint Chiefs recommended strategy.
    They’ll retreat to an airport surrounded by the Russian Army and wonder why they left their countrymen to be slaughtered one by one.

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