Ukraine President Says Biden Handed Putin a ‘Weapon’ By Caving On Pipeline – IOTW Report

Ukraine President Says Biden Handed Putin a ‘Weapon’ By Caving On Pipeline


Ukraine’s president accused the Biden administration of handing a “weapon” to the Kremlin by allowing the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which Russian president Vladimir Putin hopes to use to build influence in Europe.

“This is a weapon, a real weapon … in the hands of the Russian Federation,” Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview with Axios that aired Sunday. “It is not very understandable … that the bullets to this weapon can possibly be provided by such a great country as the United States.”

Zelensky told Axios that he learned through press reports last month that Biden had decided to waive sanctions against European companies helping build the pipeline. He said that Biden had previously given him indications that he would not allow the completion of the pipeline, which will transport gas directly from Russia to Germany.

U.S. and Ukrainian officials are concerned that Nord Stream 2, which is owned by Russian gas giant Gazprom, will give Putin more leverage over Ukraine and other Eastern European countries that the pipeline bypasses. Biden’s decision conflicts with his past claims to adamantly support Ukraine and oppose Putin. As vice president, Biden served as the Obama administration’s chief liaison to Ukraine following the ouster of Viktor Yanukovych, its pro-Russia leader. more

7 Comments on Ukraine President Says Biden Handed Putin a ‘Weapon’ By Caving On Pipeline

  1. Biden is all about destroying American First initiatives, putting America second or third.
    Shutting down America’s pipeline and supporting Russia’s pipeline. Ignoring Israel while funding Palestinians reign or terror and renegotiating with IRAN for them to gain Nuclear weapons. Eliminating lower pricing for American’s need for vital medications. Lifting tariffs that help American Steel and Aluminum Manufacturers to remain in the US or completely shut down.
    What industry or service businesses will Biden destroy next?
    How can he place Americans in more peril? That’s where Biden puts us first.

  2. “….Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which Russian president Vladimir Putin hopes to use to build influence in Europe.”

    Are you kidding!!!! He’ll OWN them. Biden has just F’D the world.

  3. Can’t wait to see how Joe’s meeting with Pootie Poot next week turns out! Will it take place behind the gym or be just a push-up contest on the spot? I can only imagine whut Putin is thinking to himself about having to meet with this grinning imbecile!!

    At this point I’m rootin for Pootin!


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