Ukraine President Zelensky Says He’s Never Met Rudy Giuliani – IOTW Report

Ukraine President Zelensky Says He’s Never Met Rudy Giuliani

Daily Caller:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday that he’s never met President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

Zelensky’s comments contradict the anonymous whistleblower who claimed that the president had pressured Zelensky to speak with the former New York City mayor.

“I’ve never met Rudy Giuliani,” Zelensky said. “Never. And never had any phone calls with him.” WATCH

7 Comments on Ukraine President Zelensky Says He’s Never Met Rudy Giuliani

  1. Who’s ever throwing this BS out about the POTUS for public consumption needs to screen it for a second and third opinion as to if it might have a chance of actually flying more than a foot or two. Unless of course the whole team never got out of preschool. Maybe their parents paid bribes to get them through school.

  2. Hate to continue on. But, IOTW Report is a good tune.

    Kiev, where I visited in the late 90’s, I dated and kissed beyond Heaven a girl (29 yrs) and we walked all over Kiev together.

    As I stayed in town and saw, these people fight… and become mean. I mean, FIGHT for what they believe in. I respect these people very much. This girl and I had breakfast at the Hotel Ukraine (where I stayed) and they served us food straight from their farms on the outskirts. It was Heaven.

    Her brother and she saw me off at the airport. She died a year later from stomach cancer. I always suspected it was from being downstream from the Dneiper River below Chernobyl. Still love you, Antonina. Will never forget you.

    These are very strong people.

    …The elitist, pianamusic

  3. I’ve got a hunch that the whistleblower with all the hearsay evidence that filled out the whistleblower report was Shciff.

    The Dems think that making whistleblower reports anonymous and secondhand is an asset. Turn the tables and make it a liability. I say Adam Schiff is the whistleblower with all the bad secondhand information. It should be a liability for any honest person. If you can’t prove who did it, anyone can point the finger at anyone else.

    I’m pointing the finger at Schiff.

    Maybe Adam Schiff got played again big time. Make him prove he isn’t the whistleblower.

  4. @Kevin R. — Me thinks you are 100% right. I wish POTUS Trump could do a sting along these lines. It would be excellent if someone in the WH could put together some very weird, fantastic story and feed it (via “third party”) to Schiff’s gang and let them run with it. See who the moles are.


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