Ukraine Refusing to Give US Info about Military Ops, despite Receiving Billions – IOTW Report

Ukraine Refusing to Give US Info about Military Ops, despite Receiving Billions


Despite Ukraine receiving billions of dollars in weapons from the United States, the country is still not sharing details on its operational plans with Washington.

According to the New York Times, US intelligence agencies have a far better picture of Russia’s military operations than Ukraine’s.

Even in high-level talks with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, Ukrainian officials have only shared their strategic goals, not their operational plans.

Washington has such little information on Ukraine’s operations that it has tried to learn information from other countries operating in Ukraine.

Washington has even tried getting information from training sessions with Ukrainian forces, and even from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s public comments. read more

13 Comments on Ukraine Refusing to Give US Info about Military Ops, despite Receiving Billions

  1. Absolutely NONE of it ever reached the people of Ukraine. It was skimmed by all levels of US and Ukraine corruption and there was nothing left to use for the people or their military.

  2. Well, there’s the sticky matter of supply interdiction and where our aid ends up and in whose hands at the end of the day. Ukrainian Nazis don’t have time for American bean counting. They’ve got Russian Communists to fight! /s

  3. That’s the kicker, in the US we don’t have to tell the government, they already have access to our phone conversations, computer traffic, finances, energy use, medical records, gun purchases and personal purchases.
    Is America Great or what?

  4. Harrumph, harrumph. We must protect our phony baloney one stop money laundering shop gentlemen. Harrumph.

  5. This administration has already leaked plans to china who promptly handed them over to the russians. So I do not blame them at all. This administration is the bought and paid for dupe of the chinese and by extension the russians

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